Define Homeschooling

Dionne there says that home schooling is “resistance to patriarchy and colonialism”.

Homeschooling is part of our resistance to patriarchy and colonialism

I agree with the commenter there, not having heard of it defined that way. It’s more like resistance to drag queen shows, DEI, perverted teachers and other woke lessons.

Here’s the checklist from Howard County Public School System, noting the items every classroom should have.



Good reason to homeschool in Harris County.

Meet The Candidates For Mayor – Dionne Ybarra

Dionne Ybarra – came in last place in a losing bid for mayor in 2018.

Listen to what she says in this Instagram* post. Say these things in the USA? that would absolutely be a hate crime. There’s the civil rights violation for ordering people off public property, and then you have discrimination based on nationality.

*Instagram video no longer available – Dionne is scrubbing her content from the internets, her lamadrewahine account has been deleted.

(Click on image below to watch).

Dionne Ybarra

And I have to work on my, like, non judgment about.
Because they’re Israelis doesn’t mean what you think it means Dionne. You’re in this public space.
And I ask, are you. I just have to ask, are you Zionists?

What? Would you like a mayor of your town judging citizens based on their race?

Meet The Candidates For Mayor – Dionne Ybarra

Meet The Candidates For Mayor – Dionne Ybarra (text version)

Text of the Instagram video. With poser pictures.

Dionne Ybarra

I had a situation here in the Philippines.

There are a lot of Israeli tourists where I’m at, and it was brought to my attention.
And then I started noticing, as I’ve been, like, kind of spreading my wings and getting out in the community a little more, that there are a lot of Israelis.

And so when I’ve been in these public spaces, I am aware that there are Israelis around me because they’re speaking Hebrew. And I have to work on my, like, non judgment about.

Because they’re Israelis doesn’t mean what you think it means Dionne. You’re in this public space. It doesn’t mean what you think it means. Let it go. Move on. Enjoy the moment.

Dionne Ybarra 4

Dionne the Tauntaun

And it’s been a test of…
And I can see how people are very racist because I want to go there. And so I’ve been bringing my centering myself back.
Be here now. This space is not about just you and move on.
But I happened to be in a space that was mine. Mine. Right.
It was a space that I had control over, and it was a space that I have become protective around because of the children that I and the community that I’m a part of and that I feel responsible for.

So enter four Israelis into the space that I protect, that I have come to protect over the last month. I’m aware that they’re Israelis again because of their umm the language.
And my heart starts pumping.
Pumping because I have to go back to Dion, don’t make assumptions. Why don’t you ask, where are you from to confirm?

Because people speak languages all over the world.
So I ask, where are you from? Israel.
Okay. And then my heart is pumping even more.
And so then I have to ask, and it wasn’t easy, let me tell you.
One of the most difficult things I’ve had to ask is, because, again, I am overseeing children, many of them.

Dionne Ybarra 2


And I ask, are you. I just have to ask, are you Zionists?
And it’s like. Like, what is that? What is that? And suddenly, English becomes very difficult at this point for these people.
And I don’t understand. What are you saying? What are you saying?

And they don’t understand. I said, okay, you don’t  understand what I’m saying. You’re from Israel, but you don’t understand. No.
I say, okay. And I walk away.
And in perfect English, one of the guys says, well, what does that mean to you? And I turn around and I say, I’m asking you if you are for or against the genocide of the  Palestinians.

And he stands up, young man, and confronts me and starts asking, well, what do you know about it?
And I said, I’m asking you if you are for the genocide of the Palestinians. That’s all I need to know.
I’m an Israeli soldier. I’ve already been to Gaza.
And I said, okay. So then it sounds like you are for the genocide of Palestinians.
Well, what are you asking? Questioning question. I said, okay, I know enough. And so I’m gonna ask you or I’m gonna tell you, I didn’t ask. I said, I’m gonna tell you. It’s time for you to go. And my heart is humping.

And he starts wanting to go in about da da da.
The girl comes. October 7. Do you want to call that?
What do you think that is? Is that not genocide? October 7.
And I said, I’m not gonna argue with any of you.
I’m gonna tell you it’s time for you to go.
Then they bring in the others. They start hammering in on me. And I said, this is not an argument I am not going to change your mind.
You are not going to change mind. It’s time for you to go.
And again they’re telling me how ignorant I am. Then they begin to tell me how evil I am.

Dionne Ybarra 1

And then I’ve got a basketball that they want to use because they were playing this. It was my basketball.
And he says, well, can I throw one more shot?
I said, no, you cannot. You wouldn’t share this basketball with Palestinian, right?
And he said, no. And he turns around and says, I’ve already killed Palestinians, and I’m gonna go back and kill more.
Under his breath. That’s what he says.

And the girl is yelling, raising her voice at me.
She’s not yelling. She’s raising her voice at me. October 7. October 7. And I just said, time for you to go. Time for you to go.
And they’re telling me I’m evil. They’re telling the children behind me, she’s evil. Don’t listen to her. And as they get on their motorbikes, one of them says, I’m going back to killmore Arabs, more women and more children.

That’s what we’re working with.
And I just said, go.

Meet The Candidates For Mayor – Dionne Ybarra (text version)

Every Election Needs A Politically Correct Candidate

Not This Pc Again

Seeking to bring diversity to the face of the city council, an emphasis on more green initiatives and policies that foster affordability for renters and buyers, Dionne Ybarra has announced her candidacy for mayor of Pacific Grove.

The candidate said her Mexican-American heritage represents one of many diverse groups that have come to live in P.G. from all over the world bringing different cultures, languages, and perspectives.

Every Election Needs A Politically Correct Candidate