11/1/10 A non-injury hit and run collision in the 200 block of Hawthorne.
11/1/10 MPD documents unlawful dumping in the 800 block of Lighthouse.
11/2/10 MPD documents vandalism in the 2000 block of David.
11/2/10 A victim reports theft in the 500 block of David.
11/2/10 MPD documents a verbal domestic dispute in the 700 block of Hawthorne.
11/3/10 MPD document theft in the 600 block of Newton.
11/3/10 A non injury accident in the 100 block of Cannery Row.
11/4/10 An injury collision at Laine and Prescott.
11/4/10 MPD documents civil dispute at Lighthouse and Hoffman.
11/4/10 A non-injury accident at Cannery Row and Foam.
11/4/10 RADISKY, FAITH was arrested for domestic violence in the 600 block of Lily.
11/4/10 MPD documents verbal domestic dispute in the 200 block of Laine.
11/5/10 MENDOZA-MAJANO, JUAN was arrested for attempted robbery in the 300 block of McClellan.
11/5/10 MPD documents vandalism on the rec trail along the 600 block of Cannery Row.
11/6/10 JOHNSTON, JUSTIN, was arrested for defrauding an innkeeper in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
11/6/10 MPD document burglary in the 2300 block of Prescott.
11/6/10 MPD documents lost property in the 500 block of Lighthouse.
11/6/10 DIAZ, GISELLE, was arrested for domestic violence in the 700 block of Cannery Row.
11/7/10 MPD documents lost property at David and Taylor.
11/8/10 A non injury accident at Lighthouse/ Drake.
11/8/10 A victim reports a theft from the 700 block of Cannery Row.
11/8/10 GIAMANCO, DAVID was issued a citation for his barking dog in the 400 block of Archer St.
11/9/10 A victim reports a stolen vehicle in the 300 block of Reeside.
11/9/10 MPD documents lost property in the 500 block of Lighthouse.
11/9/10 MPD documents found property in the 400 block of Lighthouse.
11/9/10 A non injury accident at Foam/Prescott.
11/9/10 A victim reports fraud in the 300 block of David Ave.
11/9/10 A hit and run in the 700 block of Lighthouse Ave
11/10/10 MARTINEZ, Leonel was arrested for domestic battery in the 400 block of Spencer St.
11/10/10 A hit and run at David & Grace.
11/10/10 A victim reports residential burglary in the 800 block of Laine St.
11/10/10 A non injury accident in the 700 block of Lighthouse.
11/10/10 MATHEWS, JOSEPH was arrested for public intoxication at Pacific and Artillery. Subsequent to arrest, MATHEWS was found to be in possession of a controlled substance.
11/11/10 REDE, Bernadette was arrested for DUI (a/b), DUI with priors, no insurance, no interlock device installed, driving on a suspended/revoked license, and possession of Lexapro without a prescription at David/Forest.
11/11/10 ARRINGTON, CHRISTIAN was arrested for DUI at Cannery Row and Prescott.
11/11/10 A non injury accident at Prescott and Lyndon.
11/11/10 A non injury accident at Hawthorne and Irving.
11/11/10 MPD documents lost property on Cannery Row.
11/11/10 LOYD, BOSTIN was arrested for theft in the 900 block of Lighthouse Ave.
11/12/10 DAY, Nicholas was arrested for public intoxication at David/Laine.
11/12/10 DAY, Nicholas was arrested on two traffic warrants after he was arrested for other charges at David/Laine.
11/12/10 A victim reports vandalism in the 800 block of Newton.
11/12/10 MPD aided MFD with a structure fire in the 600 block of David.
11/12/10 A victim reports theft from the 400 block of David Ave.
11/12/10 A non injury accident at Lighthouse and Irving.
11/13/10 WILLIAMS, Bradford was arrested for public intoxication at Foam and Prescott.
11/13/10 FAIELLO, VINCENT was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, under the influence of a controlled substance, possession of less than an ounce of marijuana and bstruct/resist arrest at Recreation Trail between Prescott and Hoffman.
11/13/10 MCSO was aided in the arrest of FAIELLO, VINCENT on an outstanding warrant at the Recreation Trail between Prescott and Hoffman. FAIELLO was contacted for being under the influence of a controlled substance.
11/13/10 MPD towed a vehicle from the 700 block of Cannery Row for the Big Sur Kids Fun Run.
11/13/10 An injury accident on Lighthouse and David.
11/13/10 LAMB, GEOFFREY RICHARD was arrested for an outstanding warrant in the 400 block of Hawthorne.
11/13/10 JEWETT, DANIEL was arrested for an outstanding warrant at Prescott & Lighthouse.
11/13/10 ROTHER, TERRY was arrested on an outstanding warrant at Prescott & Lighthouse.
11/13/10 GRIFFITH, EMILY was arrested for DUI in the 700 block of Belden St.
11/13/10 A victim reports a vehicle burglary in the 800 block of Spencer St.
11/13/10 MPD documents a missing person in the 800 block of Lyndon.
11/14/10 BERRYMAN, ROBERT was arrested for domestic battery in the 800 block of Parcel. BERRYMAN was additionally charged with 591.5, damaging a wireless communication device after breaking a cell phone while attempting to call 911.
11/10/10 Private property tow from 600 block of Lighthouse Ave.
11/15/10 Traffic accident at David and Foam.
11/15/10 LOADER, MICHAEL ROBIN was arrested for public intoxication on Prescott at Foam.
11/16/10 Theft 600 block Cannery Row.
11/17/10 MPD towed a Nissan Quest from Cannery Row.
11/18/10 Citizen reports being slapped in the face by an unknown who then fled in a vehicle towards Wave.
11/19/10 Property damage on Lighthouse and Dickman.
11/19/10 Traffic accident with bicycle in the 400 block of David.
11/19/10 Theft of several shirts from Lighthouse.
11/20/10 Traffic accident on Foam.
11/20/10 Mcintyre, Robin was arrested for DUI at Lighthouse near Dickman.
11/23/10 Stolen business sign on Lighthouse.
11/25/10 Traffic accident on Lighthouse and Foam.
11/25/10 HERNANDEZ, JOSE was arrested for possession of stolen money on Cannery Row.
11/26/10 Traffic accident at David & Hawthorne.
11/26/10 Residential burglary on Oak St.
11/26/10 MARTIN, JAY RIDDELL was arrested for public intoxication on Cannery Row.
11/27/10 Traffic accident on Foam and Reeside.
11/27/10 Stolen bike from David.
11/27/10 Residential burglary on Lyndon St.
11/28/10 Citizen reports being battered on Cannery Row.
11/28/10 Found iPhone on Cannery Row.
11/28/10 Found wallet on Cannery Row and Prescott.
11/28/10 Obligacion, Gary was arrested for DUI at Hoffman and Hawthorne.
11/29/10 Residential burglary on Oak St.
11/30/10 Vehicle burglary on Hawthorne.
11/30/10 Found black back pack on Foam Street.
11/30/10 Found two key cards in the parking lot at the intersection of Irving and Foam.
Monthly Archives: November 2010
Butterflies Coming Back

“A lot of urban development has destroyed suitable habitat,” said Stuart Weiss of Menlo Park, a conservation biologist with Creekside Center for Earth Observation.
“Monarchs are very finicky about where they make their clusters,” Weiss said. They need the right temperature, humidity and wind exposure; otherwise, they move on to a more suitable area. The forests that monarchs like to cluster in are so small now, “the loss of a few trees can open up a site to more wind,” he said.
Weiss is working with Pacific Grove on a management plan for the sanctuary so it can better deal with the loss of trees or other changes in the grove.
“Urban Development?” Nothing but clueless people put in charge here.
Fresno Gang Members In Stolen Car Escape P.G. Police
SLO caught them. Not to many escape routes from route 1 in south county.And Moe Ammar always told us how much the people from Fresno like our town.
Flora Encinia, 32; Delia Pena, 21; Manuel Del Real, 21; Ramiro Vasquez, 22; and Joe Hernandez, 28, were arrested late Sunday in San Luis Obispo County after a crime spree that began with a vehicle theft in Fresno County.
The group is accused of stealing a black Lincoln Navigator and robbing two gas station attendants during a wild ride that took them through Pacific Grove, Big Sur and Gorda, police said.
Because their alleged crimes span three counties, they could face charges in any of them, law enforcement officials said. Most likely, they’ll end up in a San Luis Obispo courtroom first.
Husband & Wife Campers Fight
Who said camping was a way to relax and de-stress?
At about 6 p.m. Friday, Arthur W. Davis of Seaside began arguing with his wife over camping issues and walked away from their campsite off Naciemnto Ferguson Road in Big Sur, the Sheriff’s Office said. He ended up walking up a mountain and got lost. After waiting several hours his wife contacted the Sheriff’s Office, which then dispatched its Search and Rescue team.
Waited several hours for him to return before calling for help?
Hurry! Black Friday Crowds In P.G.
Miss out on the $99 laptop in Sand City? There’s still a chance you can pick up the pre-fab art or some rusty garden decor for low, low prices.
Lighthouse Ave, 8am on Black Friday
Snap A Wet Towel At A Cop, You Go To Jail
Everything he ever knew about fighting he learned in communal showers.
Police reported the case started late Monday when a cell phone was taken in a vehicle break-in in a grocery store parking lot.
The victim used the phone’s GPS and found that it “pinged” near an apartment in the 600 block of Archer Street.
He knocked and a man who had been working as a street sweeper in the lot where the break-in happened answered the door. The man denied having the cell phone.
The victim said he just wanted the sim card from the phone and offered $50. The man told him to come back later. The victim came back about 3:15 p.m. Tuesday with two police officers.
The apartment resident again denied having the cell phone, but the GPS indicated it was a few feet away. Officers convinced the man to return the cell phone, and he said it was in a downstairs apartment.
One officer went downstairs, and the suspect struck the other officer with a wet towel in his hand. He told police he was scared and nervous.
The suspect, Kenny Barba, 41, was booked into Monterey County Jail on charges of battery of a peace officer and possession of stolen property.
Carbone Saves A Customers Life
CPR learned 25 years ago comes back.
While tonight is a great gift to the military community, Sal’s present to one family this Thanksgiving is truly heroic. On Saturday a man at his bar had a heart attack, “It was kind of an unusual situation. The son had just found the dad after 26 years. They stopped in here to shoot a game of pool. He passed out the son was just frozen. I took over picked him up and put him on the bench and resuscitate him he looked up and smiled, a great Thanksgiving,” said Carbone.
County Asks Judge To Dismiss Lawsuit By “Art Theft” Victims
Relationships, defamation and dubious art thefts.
Monterey County is asking a judge to quickly throw out a defamation lawsuit against the Sheriff’s Office filed by two men who contend they lost a world-class collection of art to thieves.
An attorney for the county says in court papers that the two men – Dr. Ralph Kennaugh and Angelo Amadio – have little chance of prevailing in their October suit that accuses the Sheriff’s Office of publicly defaming them in comments to the media about the massive art theft.
Christopher Cayce, the men’s attorney, argues that the Sheriff’s Office “egregiously used the media to litigate this matter in the press.” He says the sheriff’s spokesman made “egregious lies” unrelated to the “underlying investigation.”
The two men contend that the Sheriff’s Office sought to discredit Amadio because of his relationship with the daughter of a man with influential ties to the Sheriff’s Office.
Moreover, Cayce says in court papers the two men provided the Sheriff’s Department with documentation about the missing artwork, but the media were told the men were being uncooperative.
Carbon Monoxide Kills Two In Monterey
If you have gas appliances of any kind, a carbon monoxide detector is a must. You can find one at Ace Hardware.
Firefighters were sent to a Monterey home in the 700 block of Lottie Street at 9:17 a.m. Monday on reports of two people who were unresponsive.
When firefighters arrived, they determined that there were high levels of carbon monoxide in the apartment.
The causes of death were determined to be accidental.
Deputies said a wall-mounted gas heater appears to have played a role in their deaths.
Green Crime On The Rise
Add possible theft and jail crowding to the cost of going green.
Monterey County Sheriff’s deputies say charges of grand theft and trespassing are pending against five male juveniles suspected of stealing a solar panel and battery used to power an electric fence on a ranch in San Lucas.
Deputies said that at 11:10 a.m. Sunday, the boys, ranging in age from 14 to 16, trespassed onto the ranch on Star Road and removed the panel and battery, then buried them in anticipation of retrieving the goods later.
Deputies said they followed the footprints from the scene to a house in San Lucas.