This website would like to apologize to the following:
Crocker Bank
Club Fit
Lighthouse Cinemas
The Fat Cat
The Golden Egg
The Pied Piper
Space Age Hobbies
Southside Johnny’s
MontGrove Crafts
Top Hat Market
Valley National Bank
United California Bank
Home Savings Of America
Watts CB Radio Repair
Sweets Auto parts
Doris DeRose
Old Bath House
PG Liquors
The Slats
Scotch Bakery
Victorian Corner
The DeSmets
Morrie Fisher
Sprouse Reitz
Gun toting High School students
Misguided Nieces
Susan Goldbeck
Lee Yarborough
David Dilworth
Lisa Bennett
Vicki Stilwell
Alan Cohen
Ron Schenk
Jim Colangelo
Snick Farkas
Nude Men Carrying Concealed Weapons
School kids touched by Patrick Lilley
Anyone that has been written up in the Monterey Police Blotter
Lam Yuen
Chioinos that obey the law
Drug users stopped by PG Police
Anyone running against Sam Farr
Darius Engles
Disabled drivers trying to park in front of the post office.
People with cooking oil butt injections
Pebble Beach lawn mower mechanics
owners of cars stolen and crashed in PG.
Taxi Drivers
Dawn Megigi
Ron Russell
People with slow Redshift DSL
Monte Cafe
Oh Flowers
Bratty RE
Chili Great Chili
SAAB Drivers
Anyone injured by drunk drivers
Mass Transit Systems
SUV Drivers
Anyone with private information stored on Susan Goldbeck’s stolen laptop
People with slow ATT DSL
Torture protesters
Ronald Blecha
People struck by falling tree branches
Pelican Pizza
Victims of car burglary/arson
People in the dark
Anyone mugged on the recreation trail
Drivers of riced out German cars
ATM Machine vendors
Campaign contributors who have given $250 or more.
California Pianos
All Things Pacific Grove
Home Sweet Home
The First Noel
Anyone surfing in sewage
Residents of 14th street
Charlie the cat
Participants in a Pacific Grove reading program
Children molested by MCOE Employees
The Feast Of Lanterns
Family and friends of Kristopher Olinger
The Natural History Mvsevm
Dan Davis
Lee Willoughby
Carmelita Garcia
Albert Zuniga
Mitchell Matthews
Dues paying Local 483 members
People caught in Salinas PD prostitution stings
The County of Monterey Marijuana Eradication Team
Anyone tasered by PGPD
Anyone that was ever attacked on the recreation trail
Workers that fall off roofs
Scuba Divers that don’t come up
People taken away from Favaloros Big Night Bistro in an ambulance
Head shops
Massage Studios
Karate schools
Tattoo parlors
Wamu Bank
Sea Life killed by spilled paint
Anyone stalked by Benjamin Munhall
Carl Miller
The Rosedale Inn
Bystanders injured in police chases
Residents of Walnut Street
Shoe Game Streakers
Jim Costello
Scott Miller
Customers of DirecTV
Shady caregivers
Darren Lawson’s girlfriend
68 Skate
Sad fat ladies
Sadder husbands of fat ladies
Speeders in PG
The PG Golf clubhouse
Jon Cory Lanite
Mountain Lions
Poor cross dressers that take to a life of crime
Robert Sterling
George W Bush
Invalidated PG Senior Housing Lottery winners
Applicants for city commissions
Naked Kayakers
Coach Chamberlin
Pacific Grove pharmacy
Residents of Lighthouse Avenue
Elderly victims of tree trimmer scams
The Good Old Days
Children touched by Patrick Lilley
The Fourth of July picnic Celebration
Concourse Auto Rally & Barbecue
The Butterfly Parade
Pacific Grove High School Homecoming Parade High School Marching Band Competition
Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony
Stillwell’s Snow in the Park
The Holiday Parade of Lights
Bruce Obbink
Save Mart
Lucky Supermarkets
Alpha Beta
Northridge Mall
Abused Turkeys
Drunk people that mistake cop cars for a taxi.
Victims of Salvador Vega Coria
Tourists that forget long sleeves
David Bindel
Monterey Senior Center
The Foghorn
People with x-mas lights up after January
Pedestrians that have to go around sandwich board signs
Video Game police
Sportsman’s Bar
David Stamm’s victims
The Skerbelis family
Laurence Segovia
Ross Blankenship
Walter Hayes
Fans of John Denver
Cat ladies
People that can’t pronounce “Pinos”
Kragen Auto Parts
Pedestrians that have to go around Open House signs
Police that shoot pit bulls
Burglars that leave their cell phones at crime scenes.
Pacific Grove Communists
Dan Koffman
Grove Market
Anybody that was called a ‘moron’ by Mayor Dan Cort
Mahala Burns
Anyone that has to listen to David Dilworth for more than 30 seconds
the Herald
The Hometown Bulletin
The Pacific Grove Press
Senior that vote Democrat
Marie Ferrante
Mary Marques-Caramico
Julie Rodewald
Amy Huse’s family
Monterey Federal Credit Union
US Citizens called ‘Stupid’ by Sam Farr
Frank Abbruzzetti’s landlord
Victims of Dennis Dewayne McCormick
Nicholas Gore
Residents of 18th Street
People from Fresno
The entire city of Fresno
People that been to Fresno
No one from Tulare
People that buy “antiques” from Holmans
Nader Agha
Chicken Haters
Anyone allegedly run over by Lance Millington
Ditto for Deborah King
Innocent people listed in the Monterey Police Blotter
Non lawyers arrested for practicing law