Tax Deadbeat Liz Jacobs Begging For Cash to Sue the City

Can’t afford to pay taxes, can’t afford legal counsel to bring a lawsuit against Pacific Grove about their ugly ass corral that is due to be ripped out.

wildfish parklet

Jacobs is delinquent to the state for $143,000 in sales taxes that Wild Fish collected and another $9,000 to Monterey County for business assessment tax.

We spoke to an attorney who advised us that we are not being treated fairly. We would like to challenge the city to address these concerns. Our many public comments, emails and calls have not received responses that address these issues (and others that we have raised related to this). Therefore we would like to raise enough money to challenge the city, since it appears that this will not get addressed in any other way. 

We started a GO FUND ME page to raise $5000.00, which is the minimum needed to proceed with our challenge. If you can donate, we greatly appreciate the support!

Tax Deadbeat Liz Jacobs Begging For Cash to Sue the City

Chinese Pavilion Set To Be Built

Sook Mi Pagoda

Chinese immigrants to Pacific Grove and other local communities over the past century-and-a-half, a pavilion is set to be built at the Elmarie Dyke Open Space next to
Chautauqua Hall.

Known as the Chinese Pavilion, the open-air structure will not only be a distinctive local landmark, it will provide
space for “community events, including festivals and the Chinese New Year in particular, and educational exhibits. “

Chinese New Year! Will we get fireworks?

Chinese Pavilion Set To Be Built

Mayoral Candidate Nick Smith Files Bankruptcy

From the Messy Mayor Candidate. Looks like the Smith himself is not very balanced budget wise.

Fiscal Sustainability
The City is in good financial health. We have over ten million dollars in reserves and are meeting the reserve policy we set many years ago. We have strong tax revenues which will increase due to new hotel taxes. I believe we must be wise as to our expenditures and use of funds. As Mayor, I’m determined to continue to have a balanced budget and strong reserves.

Fiscally Substainable?

Bankrupt Smith

Samurai Wielding Man On David Ave Subdued

How you make samurai run away?

You sho gun…

According to police, Giuseppi Abbruzzetti crawled through a bedroom window while holding a sheathed sword and started to walk down David Avenue before officers had to deploy pepper spray in the suspect’s face and five 40MM sponge rounds. They say that the rounds struck Abbruzzetti, which made him drop his sword before he was taken to the ground and then arrested.

Samurai Wielding Man On David Ave Subdued