Reds Station Gives Way For $3,000.000 Condos

Condos that end up as second homes, not really adding to the home town,

“We’re going to start the demolition next week.” Silverie’s plans call for creating 10,000 square feet of retail space on the first floor, including two or three restaurants. He said the restaurants are possible because he acquired four water credits from Pacific Grove Municipal Golf Links. The second two floors will each have five luxury condominiums ranging from 2,100 to 2,400 square-feet. The builder said one has already been sold for $3.5 million, and the others will be listed in “the mid-to-high $2 million range.” While Silverie plans to sell all 10 condos, his company will manage the retail space.

Reds Station Replacement

Reds Station Gives Way For $3,000.000 Condos

Hollys Closed – Blame The Rona

Look at the good side –  no more overflowing trash cans on 16th street.


“As the Covid-19 crisis set in it became clear that we wouldn’t be able to be the Holly’s as you all knew it again, perhaps for a very long time. The safety of my family, my staff, and all of you comes first. We simply weren’t set up for a pandemic, and the difficult choice had to be made.

“I would like to personally thank all of you for your years of patronage and support and above all else, LOVE! The community support for my mother both before and after her death will always mean so much to my family and I, as will the support you all showed as I took the helm. Thank you all so so much from the bottom of my heart.”

Hollys Closed – Blame The Rona

Pebble Beach Coyotes Working Asilomar

Like, carry a gun in coyote country.

“I hear this barking and it just sounds like you’re a normal dog. So I looked behind me and I said to you, OK, there’s a dog up there. And I’m like, it’s not really dog, is it?” Lindsey said.

“And next thing I know the coyote is coming from the rocks all the way down down to the beach.”

Duke and Lindsey start walking down the beach while she is still calling for Duke to continue moving forward away from the coyote.

Lindsey said, “We got about 10 yards away and I look over and the coyote is parallel with me, probably about six feet away. And that’s when I realized he wasn’t necessarily after me. But he was stalking Duke.”

Lindsey said this went on for about five minutes and a good distance down Asilomar. She kept an eye over her shoulders until the coyote was out of her sight.

“I watched him all the way down to the other end of the rocks and he actively stood there standing his ground, barking, not even howling, just barking like your average dog,” Lindsey said.

Pebble Beach Coyotes Working Asilomar

Holly’s Cafe Closed For Good

Sorry, the only picture I have is their messy trash cans from back when business was better. For them and the sea gulls.Dumpster Hollys cafe 071216

“We are closing due to the pandemic,” Amy Hanmer wrote.
“I don’t blame our city or state government. Necessary actions were taken to protect the public, and unfortunately they were too costly for us to remain open.”

Hanmer, who continued selling pies after the restaurant closed in March, said she plans to keep doing so.

Holly’s Cafe Closed For Good

Ben Harvey Says Close The Streets Off

Parklett Parking

So we can eat our $22 noodles out in the street with the seagulls.

“So far, we have identified two businesses that are in favor of the street closure out of 33 businesses in the two blocks,” Ammar said in a letter urging the council to not OK City Manager Ben Harvey’s plan and keep all of Lighthouse open to vehicles Besides being unpopular, Ammar said Harvey’s plan lacked transparency and would eliminate 48 parking spaces. The Monday farmer’s market shuts down Central Avenue, which means drivers trying to get through the area would have to be rerouted to Laurel or Pine avenues.

Ben Harvey Says Close The Streets Off