Wine will be served at the next Pacific Grove Artwalk scheduled from 6 to 9 p.m. on Aug. 10, said Artwalk organizers.
In May, wine was banned during the regular showcase of the town’s art galleries after Police Chief Darius Engles sent a letter to the Chamber of Commerce informing the organization that without licenses, merchants could not legally provide alcohol to the public during the event
Monthly Archives: July 2007
P.G. Coffee Shop Talks Brings Out The People
About 50 people packed the Central Avenue Bakery for the second Coffee Shop Talk, a new event giving residents who don’t always show up at City Council meetings a chance to ask tough questions or simply make their points in an atmosphere without overhead projectors, gavels or microphones.
One topic was a proposed new farmers market for Lighthouse Avenue.
“I am at a loss to know why the city wants to have a farmer’s market,” resident Ellen Coile said. “We need another farmers market in this area like we need another golf course.”
. . or like we need another art gallery or Mexican restaurant.
Another meeting is scheduled for August 13, 6:30 p.m. at Black Forest Espresso in the Country Club Gate Shopping Center.
Graffiti Attracting Attention In Carmel
It was about a six foot stenciled gentleman holding a camera, and he’s wearing shorts, it said, “Do movie stars live here.”
The graffiti vandal hit two other locations, including the Carmel Plaza with the written phrase, “where’s the beach.”
Carmel city hall was also hit, with a statement, “Thanks for taking care of tourists, before citizens.”
A $1 thousand dollar reward is being offered for information that leads police to the vandal, who they believe is a local person.
This might be drawing valuable tourists away from PG. Let’s invite the creator to PG and welcome the paintings. Maybe even have a Graffiti Walk, with wine sipped out of a brown bag wrapped bottle.
P.G.’s Charm Found To Be Irresistible
Sorry mayor, there are no longtime residents left. The charm is increasingly phony.
This week’s Feast of Lanterns opening ceremonies had just that feel. On a weekday afternoon, while most people were at work, about 100 residents gathered at Chautauqua Hall to celebrate.
Older women in Chinese costumes prepared large bowls of punch while the festival’s royal court was introduced to the crowd. They invited everyone to a street dance and an ice cream social, among other gaieties. Girls performed dances.
The parents of each of the princesses and the queen stood in the back, waving when their daughters were introduced.
The scene could have been right out of a black-and-white photo.
“Does it ever occur to you that we are Leave It To Beaver-land?” Cort said. “Yeah, we are. People stop their lives for the little things … We value quality of life. We value those kinds of ’50s things. We just don’t want them to go away.”
Dog Loses Life In Fight On Lighthouse Ave
On July 25, Olga Ospina was walking Lulu on a leash when the other dog, owned by Donna Marie Bazan of Rancho Palos Verdes, jumped through an open car window and attacked her Maltese. Ospina was bitten on the hand when she tried to break up the fight, but McGuirk wouldn’t elaborate on the extent of her injuries. Ospina has been staying with family in Southern California and could not be reached for comment.
Pacific Grove City Manager Jim Colangelo said police chief Darius Engles has already determined the dog is vicious. Colangelo said he has appointed Carmelita Garcia as the hearing officer in the case. Garcia will listen to both accounts of the attack and will determine what exactly should be done with the Lab, he said.
“The dog could be banished” from the city, Colangelo said. Or it could be ordered to be euthanized.
In P.G.’s attempt to copy Carmel in the dog-accessible area, did people ever think that all dogs are not friendly to each other?
Anyway – it’s a civil matter.
Is The Feast Of Lanterns Racist?
… other traditions remained, such as the Royal Court’s enactment of “The Legend of the Blue Willow,” a romance involving a princess who drowns herself when her father forbids her from marrying her poor lover. Layne describes the story, based on a famous ceramic pattern, as an ancient Chinese myth.
In fact, according to Williams’ research, the story is not a Chinese legend at all: Both the blue willow pattern, and the story to explain it, were fabricated in the UK.
Another festival tradition puts the mayor in stereotypical Asian attire. This year Mayor Dan Cort plans to don a Chinese robe – and if he can’t find it, he says, he’ll wear a Japanese one – to kick off the July 27 street dance. “There was an uncomfortable history with our Chinese immigrants,” he admits. “We hope that celebrations like the Feast of Lanterns honor the contributions of the Chinese to Pacific Grove.”
Doctoral student Williams views the dynamic in psychological terms. “It’s an interesting juxtaposition to have this celebration of the Chinese at the same time that a legal mechanism was taken to burn them out,” he says. “There are various possibilities for why any group of people will celebrate the aesthetics of what they’re in the process of destroying.”
Feast Of Lanterns Week 2007
From the PG Bulletin:
do not place blankets, chairs etc., on the beach to save space for Feast of Lanterns until Saturday morning, July 28. All items placed prior to Saturday morning may be removed.
Picture from Wednesday night, 2005:
From (do check out the belly dancer videos there):
Wednesday, July 25th, Chautauqua Hall.
– Opening Ceremonies, 1:00.
Thursday, July 26th Chautauqua Hall.
– Feast of Salads 11:30.
– Children’s Chalk Fest the “Feast of Art” 2:00.
Friday, July 27th, Caledonia Park.
– Children’s Pet Parade – gather at 2:00, parade begins at 2:30.
Friday, July 27th, Congress & Lighthouse.
– Street Dance – 6:30-9:00.
Saturday, July 28th, Lovers Point Park.
– Children’s Activities – 11:00.
Saturday, July 28th, Lovers Point Park.
– Feast of Lanterns Food Booths – 12:00 – 6:30pm.
Saturday, July 28th, Lovers Point Beach.
– Pier Entertainment – 12:00 – 7:00.
Saturday, July 28th, Lovers Point Beach.
– Feast of Lanterns Pageant, Fireworks – 8:00 – Dark.
Also see Snick’s annual Feast Of Flashlights comic at
Parking Meters On Hold In P.G?
At the July 18 city council meeting many people spoke opposing putting parking meters at Lovers Point or Central/Eardley Avenues. A merchant pointed out that the current 2 hour parking spaces are not checked by the parking enforcement officers and that rolling the spaces back to 90 minutes and adding more enforcement would be better to turn over parking and increase ticket revenue. Great idea . . though many of the downtown merchants that take up spaces all day will need to be more active to avoid tickets.
Humboldt Squid – Fear It or Feast On It?
A mysterious sea creature, up to 7 feet long, weighing up to 100 pounds. It hunts in packs of hundreds, flying through the water at 25 mph, changing color.
With a parrot-like beak and arms covered with thousands of sharp barbs, it attacks and tries to eat nearly anything it sees, including fish, scuba divers, even its own kind.
But it’s not a creature of Hollywood. It’s real. And it’s reached the Monterey Bay. The Humboldt squid, also known as the giant squid or jumbo squid, traditionally has lived in warm waters off South America and Mexico, where fishermen call it “diablo rojo,” or “red devil.”
For reasons that still aren’t entirely clear, large numbers of the scrappy cephalopods have been steadily expanding their range north, first off San Diego and Los Angeles, where hundreds have washed up on beaches in recent years.
Now they appear to have taken up residence in Monterey Bay, according to a study released today by researchers from Stanford University and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) compiled with more than 16 years of underwater video.
“When it moves into an area, it can potentially have drastic impacts,” said Louis Zeidberg, a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove. “We’ve yet to see how that is going to play out, but it could change things.”
Zeidberg said some restaurants, such as Rosines in Monterey, have begun to put Humboldt squid on the menu.
“A lot of people find it kind of tough and kind of gamey compared to traditional calamari, but I like it,” he said.
Zeidberg or Zoidberg?
Wikipedia entry for Dr Zoidberg:
Throughout the series, Zoidberg usually refers to himself, and is referred to by others, as a lobster. In an early episode, Zoidberg falls in love with an actual lobster in a nightclub aquarium. In the episode When Aliens Attack, he finds himself trapped in a lobster cage, but is rescued by Bender. However, he does refer to himself as a squid commenting, “Oh what a foolish squid I’ve been.”
Aquarium’s Tuna Commits Hari Kari
A 229-pound bluefin tuna was found dead Monday morning in the popular Outer Bay Exhibit at Monterey Bay Aquarium, after slamming head first into the tank’s 13-inch acrylic window the night before.
Tuna researchers at the center, a collaboration between the Hopkins Marine Station and the aquarium, will study the remains of the bluefin tuna.
Classic Tuna Noodle Casserole
From: Campbell’s Kitchen
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 1160
290 cans (10 3/4 oz.) Campbell’s® Condensed Cream of Celery Soup OR 98% Fat Free Cream of Celery Soup
145 cups milk
290 cups cooked peas
580 tbsp. chopped pimiento (optional)
229 lbs tuna, drained and flaked
580 cups hot cooked medium egg noodles
50 tbsp. dry bread crumbs
290 tbsp. butter OR margarine, melted
PREHEAT oven to 400°F.
MIX soup, milk, peas, pimiento, tuna and noodles in 1 145-qt. baking dish.
BAKE 20 min. or until hot. Stir.
MIX bread crumbs with butter. Sprinkle on top. Bake 5 min.