11/2/12 DUNTON, TIMOTHY was arrested for public intoxication in the 200 block of Hawthorne St.
11/2/12 CARSON, ALAN was arrested for Public Intoxication in the 600 block of Lighthouse Ave.
11/4/12 NEGRI, MICHAEL was arrested for DUI at Lighthouse and Hoffman.
11/4/12 CARSON, ALAN was arrested for Public Intoxication at Foam/Reeside.
11/5/12 Public Works reported vandalism in the form of a damaged fence in the 200 block of Prescott Ave.
11/5/12 MPD towed a Black, 10’x8’ utility trailer from the 500 block of Irving Ave for being an unregistered vehicle.
11/5/12 Business reports suspect to have stolen 4 pairs of sunglasses from the 700 block of Cannery Row.
11/5/12 ROSE, JUSTIN and KITCHENS, AMY were arrested for prowling in the 300 block of Laine Street.
11/5/12 WALKER, RAY was cited for driving on a suspended license at David St/Laine Street.
11/6/12 ISAACSON, KYLE was arrested for DUI in front of 611 Lighthouse.
11/6/12 MPD documented a civil issue in the 600 block of Lighthouse Ave.
11/6/12 MPD documented a civil issue in the 2000 block of David Ave.
11/6/12 Victim in the 600 block of David Ave. reports unknown to have burglarized her residence. Taken was a Apple Macbook Air.
11/6/12 Victim in the 600 block of Spencer Ave. reports that the front tires of her vehicle were slashed outside her residence.
11/8/12 Runaway juvenile from the 2000 block of David Ave.
11/8/12 Injury collision of a vehicle versus construction delineators at Lighthouse and Reeside.
11/9/12 GARCIA, JORGE was cited for driving on suspended license at Lighthouse/Prescott.
11/9/12 MPD documented a landlord/tenant dispute in the 1900 block of Prescott Ave.
11/9/12 A white Odyssey RV was towed for obstructing traffic exiting the Northbore Lighthouse Tunnel.
11/9/12 LEFLER, KATHLEEN was arrested for DUI and hit and run following a collision in the 400 block of Lighthouse Ave.
11/9/12 Business in the 600 block of Cannery Row turned over a fake Arizona ID belonging to an unknown female.
11/11/12 Subject in the 400 block of Hawthorne Ave. reports suspicious circumstances.
11/11/12 GONZALEZ, DAVID was arrested for child endangerment and DUI on Foam near Drake.
11/12/12 Victim reported her white Bichon-Maltese dog was stolen from her vehicle at Lighthouse / Dickman.
11/12/12 Victim reported his wallet and military ID lost at Prescott and Taylor St.
11/12/12 Victim in the 400 block of Archer St. reports receiving unwanted phone calls from known suspect.
11/12/12 CASTELLIANOS, MIGUEL was arrested for public intoxication on Lighthouse at Irving.
11/12/12 MPD found a set of keys on a bus stop bench on Lighthouse at Irving.
11/13/12 Report of suspicious circumstances involving a civil issues in the 600 block of Spencer St.
11/13/12 [JUVENILE] cited for 272 PC Contributing to the delinquency of a minor and possession of tobacco products in the 800 block of Alice St.
11/14/12 City of Monterey, Public Works reports graffiti at the Cannery Row Parking Garage.
11/15/12 Vehicle versus bicyclist non-injury collision at Hoffman and the Recreation Trail.
11/15/12 MPD investigated an altercation in the 300 block of Drake Ave.
11/16/12 Business in the 400 block of Cannery Row reports known suspect to have failed to pay an outstanding balance.
11/17/12 Victim reported being battered by known suspect in the 500 block of Hawthorne St.
11/17/12 SCHOEFFLING, HARVEY was arrested for public intoxication near Wave and David.
11/18/12 Non-injury hit and run collision on Lighthouse near Dickman.
11/18/12 LORD, TERESA was arrested for public intoxication in the 700 block of Archer St.
11/18/12 NIMMO, FRANK was arrested for DUI near Wave and David.
11/19/12 Suspect was cited for 22-18 MCC after making excessive noise and disturbing the peace of her neighbors in the 700 block of Archer St.
11/19/12 Victim in the 300 block of Spencer St. reports sexual battery by suspect.
11/20/12 ELARMO, JANET was arrested for domestic battery and violating a restraining order in the 800 block of Spencer St.
11/20/12 Victim reports theft of her black Canon Camera from the 600 block of Cannery Row.
11/21/12 Victim reports theft of her White 2003 Ford F250 extra cab pick up with Oregon licence plates while parked in the 500 block of Wave St.
11/21/12 Business in the 500 Foam St. reports graffiti to their property.
11/21/12 California Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation was aided in the arrest of MAYS, JEFFERSON in the 800 block of Terry St.
11/22/12 DUERSTINE, SARAH was arrested for DUI on Lighthouse at Drake.
11/22/12 MPD documented suspicious circumstances in the 500 block of Archer St.
11/23/12 Report of graffiti on the side of the parking garage located at 750 Cannery Row.
11/23/12 SCOTT, TIMOTHY was arrested for being in possession of a deadly weapon (nunchaku), possession of a controlled substance and heroin paraphernalia and VANDYKE, IAN was arrested for possession of heroin paraphernalia, possession of stolen property and providing false identification to a police officer.
11/23/12 MPD aided MCSO in the arrest of VANDYKE, IAN for two felony warrants and one misdemeanor warrant while in the 800 block of Wave St.
11/23/12 BAUTCH, MARY and MCMAHON, KEITH were placed under citizen arrest for peace disturbance at Wharf #1.
11/24/12 LO, JOSEPH was arrested for public intoxication in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
11/24/12 GRAVES, HARLAN was arrested for being publicly intoxicated and delaying / resisting a police officer while in the 400 block of Cannery Row.
11/24/12 Victim reports losing a blue backpack and contents in the area of the Rec Trail and the Coast Guard Pier.
11/24/12 Report of a peace disturbance in the 700 block of Archer St.
11/24/12 Victim reports a dog to have bit her and her dog in the 600 block of Lighthouse
11/25/12 THORNTON, JAMILA was arrested for battery and SMITH, SHEINA was arrested for public intoxication at Prescott/Cannery Row.
11/25/12 Victim reported her iPhone 4 to have been stolen by suspects while in the 600 block of Cannery Row. Phone was later located in the 300 block of Calle Principal.
11/25/12 MPD documented graffiti in the 800 block of Lighthouse Ave.
11/25/12 Report of a peace disturbance in the 700 block of Archer St.
11/26/12 Business in the 300 block of Lighthouse Ave. reports being burglarized.
11/26/12 Business in the 200 block of Wave St. reports being burglarized.
11/26/12 LORD, TERESA was arrested for public intoxication and resisting a peace officer in the 700 block of Archer St.
11/26/12 Suspect was cited for urinating in public at Mcabee Beach.
11/26/12 Party reports finding a set of Toyota brand car keys in the 700 block of Wave.
11/27/12 MCSO was aided in the arrest of URSO, MICHAEL for having two misdemeanor warrants at Wave and Hoffman.
11/28/12 MCSO was aided in the cite and release of REYNOLDS, LARRY for having 3 outstanding warrants at Hoffman and Wave.
11/29/12 Victim reported suspect to have burglarized her vehicle while parked in the 200 block of Laine St. Nothing taken.
11/29/12 Business in the 300 block of Foam St. reports graffiti vandalism to the front window of the business.
11/29/12 Party reports losing her wallet containing her driver’s license, $40 cash, and misc. credit cards in the 500 block of Lighthouse Ave.
11/29/12 Victim in the 300 block of Prescott Ave. reported the theft of her gym bag containing misc. items and electronics, from her unlocked vehicle.
11/30/12 MPD documented graffiti at Oak Newton Park.
11/30/12 Party found a red 18 speed men’s mountain bike in the 200 block of Laine St.