Took some searching through the city website schlock but found it. Go here: Pacific Grove / Annual ( Then scroll down to Data, where it defaults to Summary Table and finally click Check Register. You’ll have to scroll to the right to get to the good information, and maybe click on a column divider to widen the cells enough to read. But hey, that’s what we get when there’s no schlock.
City councilman Luke Coletti proposed that city hall publish the monthly check register so taxpayers can easily see how much the city spends monthly on things like pension costs, water and power expenses, reimbursement to city employees and many other things.
Coletti, who was elected in November 2020, made a campaign promise to “establish policies and programs that ensure fiscal transparency and public access.” City staffers agreed to publish the information. “It’s a total no-brainer as far as I’m concerned,” he told The Pine Cone about city hall’s release of the check register. “Carmel, as well as many other local jurisdictions and agencies, have been releasing their registers for years. Pacific Grove used to — a long time ago — and I wanted to reestablish the practice,” Coletti said.
City Reveals It’s Checkbook