add radio show host and eco-crusader Deborah Lindsay to the list of council hopefuls. Mayor Dan Cort says he will seek another term.
Lindsay – ultra lefty. Makes McGovern look conservative.
add radio show host and eco-crusader Deborah Lindsay to the list of council hopefuls. Mayor Dan Cort says he will seek another term.
Lindsay – ultra lefty. Makes McGovern look conservative.
Businesses Feuding in 600 block of Lighthouse?
7/1/08 Business 700 block of Cannery Row reports suspicious circumstances where a consumer paid for his restaurant bill with non-sufficient funds. Bill valued at $832.44.
7/2/08 Citizen 300 block of Reeside reports the theft of her blue Schwinn Jaguar beach cruiser bicycle from in front of her apartment between 6-30-08 and 7-2-08. Total loss $110.
7/3/08 LEVESQUE, SHENANDOAH MICHAELANN was arrested for DUI in the 100 block of Lighthouse.
7/3/08 Citizen 700 block of Hawthorne had burglary to her vehilce while parked in the carport at 0510 hours this date.
7/3/08 Citizen reports his vehicle damaged by unknown jumping onto the roof and hood, while parked at 600 block of Lighthouse.
7/3/08 Graffiti at 600 block of Lighthouse.
7/3/08 MPD towed a black 2003 Ford Mustang for being an obstruction in a tunnel in the north bore of the Lighthouse Tunnel.
7/4/08 Citizen 800 block of Laine reported a burglary to his 1995 Toyota Camry.
7/4/08 Citizen reports being threatened in the 600 block of Lighthouse. This is a continuing feud between the businesses.
7/5/08 MPD found a Mercedes Benz keyless entry device on the Rec Trail & Cannery Row.
7/6/08 JEFFRIES, LINDSAY was cited for driving on a suspended license at Prescott and Pine.
7/6/08 MPD towed a 2005 Red Toyota Tundra for blocking the driveway in the 300 block of Hawthorne.
7/6/08 Citizen reports finding cash in the gutter in the 200 block of Irving on 07-05-08 at approximately 2000 hours.
7/8/08 MCSO was aided in the arrest of TANNAHILL, JOSHUA for an outstanding misdemeanor warrant in the 400 block of Hawthorne.
7/9/08 City of Monterey Building Maintenance Department found a green bicycle in the south bore of Lighthouse Tunnel.
7/9/08 Citizen reports his vehicle taken from 800 block of Laine St.
7/9/08 Manager of Chart House an individual to have discharged an unknown type of firework under the restaurant bridge way.
7/10/08 A red Honda civic was towed for expired registration from 700 Hawthorne.
7/10/08 HAZARD, MICHAEL cited for blocking the sidewalk in front of 500 block of Lighthouse.
7/10/08 A red Dodge was towed from a temporary no parking zone at 100 Prescott.
7/10/08 Citizen reports finding several boxes of property in the lot west of 800 block of Dickman.
ROYSTER, SEAN was arrested for public intoxication on the recreation trail and the Lighthouse curve.
7/11/08 MCAWEENEY, KATE COLLEEN was arrested for DUI at Tyler and Bonifacio.
7/12/08 SHARP, RICHARD was arrested for possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, and driving out of class in the 400 block of Cannery Row.
7/13/08 CURTIS, GREGORY and GRECO, JEROME were arrested for public intoxication in the 600 block of Hoffman.
7/13/08 Citizen 500 block of David reports theft of (4) rolls of quarters from her vehicle while parked at the above.
7/14/08 Citizen 1000 block of Del Monte reports a mattress and box spring to have been illegally dumped at his place of business. Suspect vehicle was a older model Jeep Cherokee registered to ADREWS, STACY, PO Box in Pacific Grove. Occurred on 7/4/08 at approximately 1300 hours.
7/14/08 MPD reports an unknown to have placed graffiti inside the male restroom located at 32 Cannery Row.
7/14/08 Citizen reports an unknown HFA to have stolen her silver Kodak EasyShare digital camera while at 886 Cannery Row.
7/14/08 Citizen 600 block Lighthouse reports unknown to have marked on a wall.
7/15/08 City of Monterey Public Works employee, reports an unknown to have placed graffiti on the retaining wall of the Cannery Row Inn, located at 200 Foam.
7/15/08 City of Monterey Public Works employee, reports an unknown to have placed graffiti on the rear of the Enterprise Cannery building located at 225 Cannery Row.
7/15/08 City of Monterey Public Works employee, reports an unknown to have placed graffiti on the utility box located on the southwest corner of the rec. trail and Reeside.
7/15/08 City of Monterey Public Works employee, reports an unknown to have placed graffiti on the utility box located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Reeside / Foam.
7/15/08 City of Monterey Public Works employee, reports an unknown to have placed graffiti on the retaining wall located adjacent 408 Hoffman.
7/15/08 City of Monterey Public Works employee, reports an unknown to have placed graffiti on the retaining wall located to the rear of the First Baptist Church at 600 Hawthorne.
7/16/08 MCSO was aided in the arrest of HART, DEBORAH on a outstanding traffic warrant at Lighthouse/Drake.
7/17/08 KILPATRICK, SEAN was arrested for a parole violation and possession of prescription medication not in his name incident to a traffic stop at Lighthouse and Irving. LANE, JOHN a passenger in the vehicle, was arrested for public intoxication at the above location.
7/17/08 JEWETT, DANIEL was arrested for public intoxication and possession of less than one ounce of marijuana in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
7/17/08 JEWETT, DANIEL was issued a citation for an out standing misdemeanor warrant in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
7/17/08 BRAVO, SAMUEL was arrested for resisting arrest and put on a probation hold in the 800 block of Laine. PEREZ, MARIO was arrested for possession of illegal fireworks. PEREZ also charged with possession of a controlled substance, transportation of controlled substances possession of a controlled substance for sale, possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale, child endangerment, and for being a felon being in possession of a loaded firearm with gang enhancements by Seaside PD.
7/18/08 MPD towed cars from Cannery Row and Prescott for the Moto GP event.
7/18/08 JEWETT, DANIEL was arrested for 647(f)PC public intoxication at Lighthouse/ Prescott.
7/18/08 MCSO was aided in the arrest of MAGUIRE, MICHAEL for 2 outstanding warrants from the 600 block of Cannery Row.
7/19/08 MPD towed an Orange 2006 Chev Corvette and a Green 99 Toy Camry from Cannery and Prescott for The Red Bull Moto Gp event.
7/19/08 Citizen was in possession of a Glock pistol (unloaded, secured in a locking device, affixed to his motorcycle) as part of a motorcycle exhibition at 720 Cannery Row. For public safety reasons, the pistol was placed into safe keeping for the duration of the special event.
7/19/08 WILKINS, BRYAN was arrested for public intoxication at Cannery Row and Prescott.
7/19/08 Citizen reports the theft of her motorcycle helmet (red,grn,blue) from her motorcycle while parked in the 700 block of Cannery Row.
7/20/08 Citizen reports the theft of his black motorcycle from Bruce Ariss Way at Wave.
7/20/08 JEWETT, DANIEL was issued a citation for drinking in public in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
7/21/08 STILLING, JOSEPH was arrested for DUI at Hawthorne and Irving. Vehicle parked at scene.
7/21/08 STILLING, PETER was arrested for felony vandalism, public intoxication and battery on a peace officer, located at 600 Blk of Lighthouse.
7/21/08 A 2003 BMW was towed at Hoffman and Newton for expired registration
7/21/08 Citizen reports theft of two credit cards and $25.00 from her purse in the 600 block of Wave.
7/22/08 BRANDT, SEYMOUR was arrested for public intoxication at Lighthouse and Artillery.
7/22/08 Citizen reports unknown to have stolen his gray Specialized mountain bike from the 800 block of Taylor. Estimated value of the bike is $250.00.
7/22/08 GONSALVES, ROBERT was arrested for public intoxication at Lighthouse/David.
7/23/08 Citizen 500 block Irving reports unknown to have stolen his debit card from his house.
7/23/08 Citizen reports attempted robbery (strong armed) while walking on the Rec Trail North of David St.
7/23/08 BROWN, CYNTHIA versus a parked car at 1061 David. BROWN was subsequently arrested for DUI.
7/24/08 Citizen 500 block of Wave St reports the theft of misc make-up, brushes, cash, and office supplies from her business.
7/24/08 Citizen 400 Wave reports unknown to have stolen numerous rings from one of the display cases at the Antique Mall.
7/24/08 Citizen reports suspicious circumstances, where a rock fell onto and shattered the rear windshield of her vehicle while parked in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
7/24/08 Citizens 500 block of McClellan reported jewelry stolen from the safe at their residence.
7/24/08 Citizen 400 block Hoffman reports his front window shot and broken with a pellet gun. The estimated value of loss was $100.
7/24/08 Abraham RUIZ, Ian HESSE, Blake ANDREWS, Anthony HERNANDEZ, and a male juvenile were arrested for driving around a residential area of Monterey shooting pellet guns at various vehicles and residences. Citizen 700 block of Belden was shot with a pellet above his right buttocks while walking northbound on Spencer approaching Hoffman. LUCIDO and HERNANDEZ were released as per 849 PC. RUIZ was also charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and or drugs, having a BAC of .08 or higher and possessing prescription medication without a prescription.
7/24/08 Citizen reports the driver side and left passenger side window to have been shattered between 2200 and 2230 hours, while parked in the 1100 block of Hoffman. Damage valued at $2000.
7/25/08 Citizen reports vandalism to his vehicle while it was parked at Laine and Dickman. The front drivers side window was shot out with a pellet gun, with an estimated value of loss $500.
7/25/08 Citizen reports burglary to his 2001 Ford F450 truck while parked in the 1300 block of David.
7/25/08 Citizen 1200 block of David reports vandalism to the right front window of his 1993 Jeep Cherokee.
7/26/08 Citizen reported a burglary to her business located in the 200 block of Lighthouse.
7/26/08 Citizen 200 block of Spencer reports unknown to have tampered with the lock to the front door of her residence, breaking off part of a key inside.
7/26/08 Citizen 2000 block of Irving reports his neighbor to have used offensive words towards him, while at their apartment complex.
7/27/08 Citizen reports the theft of his Mongoose BMX Outer Limits boys bicycle from the bike rack to the rear of 299 Cannery Row.
7/28/08 Citizen in the 200 block Spencer reported her ex-boyfriend signed his name to checks belonging to her then cashed the checks for an amount of $2,025. He also used credit card belonging to her and charged $100.
7/28/08 MPD towed a black 1994 Toyota Paseo for blocking the private driveway in the 800 block of Wave Street.
7/29/08 Assisted Pacific Grove PD in the arrest of LESSEN-DEES, SCOTT MICHAEL for a felony bench warrant for drug charges.
7/29/08 LESSEN-DEES, SCOTT MICHAEL was arrested for a felony warrant and 148.9 PC at Lighthouse and Prescott. Lessen-Dees gave a false name, he was later identified by a prior booking photo from P.G.
7/30/08 RAHIM, KATHARINE was arrested for D.U.I. at Lighthouse and Dickman.
7/30/08 Citizen 800 block of Lily St reported the theft of the faceplate to his 1994 Nissan’s stereo.
7/30/08 Citizen 2000 block of Irving reports her neighbor to have threatened her via MySpace.
7/30/08 Citizen reports being robbed (strong arm) on the Rec Trail east of Park by two Black male adults, 5-09, 150 lbs., wearing black jackets and jeans who fled toward Del Monte/Sloat.
7/31/08 Citizen reports losing her Fuji digital camera and camera chip while in the 700 block of Cannery Row on 7-8-08.
Fritz Liess writes
My best friend is renting a room to a Monterey Institute of International Studies student from China. This visitor was quite troubled by Thursday’s Go! section cover article about Pacific Grove’s Feast of Lanterns. We found ourselves trying to explain why white westerners put on such a pageant dressed in stereotypical Chinese costumes.
We did not have answers to the following questions: How is the Feast of Lanterns different from anti-Semitic passion plays in Europe and black-face minstrel shows of the Jim Crow South?
It’s a play, that’s all. And maybe the student should first look in the mirror and ask questions about racism in China
After earthquakes and fires they are consumed by the college and taken away. Used to be funky, hometown public radio. Gone downhill ever since taking up the same NPR stuff you could hear everywhere else.
Public radio station KAZU 90.3 FM has completed its move from Pacific Grove to the campus of CSU-Monterey Bay.
The studio and offices of the National Public Radio affiliate are now housed in the Foundation Building at Sixth Avenue and Inter-Garrison Road. The signal was switched over July 13 from its previous facility.
Think he’ll really serve all that time? Doubtful. He served time for a 1991 murder and was out on the street robbing people in 2005.
A Salinas man who robbed a woman outside the Safeway store in Pacific Grove has been sentenced to 24 years in prison, the District Attorney’s Office announced Friday.
Pablo Castaneda, 42, was convicted by a jury in August for the December 2005 armed robbery of a female customer in the grocery store parking lot. The robber took her purse at gunpoint.
Pacific Grove’s 103rd annual Feast of Lanterns started with cake at the official opening ceremony and cake cutting Wednesday in Chautauqua Hall. (The cakes celebrated the festival’s 103rd and the city’s 119th birthdays.)
The Feast of Lanterns actually got started a few days earlier at the Tea and Fashion Show Saturday at Chautauqua Hall, where the court of eight “princesses” and the “queen” modeled vintage Feast of Lanterns costuming.
Street Dance on Lighthouse Avenue tonight. Entertainment & Fireworks on the beach tomorrow. More information at
To pay their attorney. Another sick-o gets busted for kiddie porn.
The teacher, Craig Dinwiddie, 52, of Gonzales was arrested on seven counts of possession of child pornography, two counts of distributing child pornography, two counts of annoying or molesting children and possession of marijuana, police Chief Paul Miller said.
If our code enforcement can’t see obvious things like the uncovered garbage and accumulated bird poo – and police are blind to merchants that park in 2 hour parking spaces all day, it looks doubtful that your rental unit will get busted.
A resolution adopted by the City Council on July 16 calls for training the city’s code enforcement officer, building inspector and other staff members about identifying potential housing code violations while conducting routine city business and report them for investigation and abatement.
An earlier version of the resolution called for including police and fire personnel in such training. That was removed from the final version..
Interesting – a principal that has more than a few years of experience in P.G. schools. Kudos to the district.
Bell first worked at the high school in 1983 as a math teacher and as the head swimming coach. He moved on to principal at Robert Down Elementary and Pacific Grove Middle School, where he last worked.
Superintendent Ralph Porras says promoting Bell to principal made sense because of his knowledge of and history with the district.
After business owners protested the market for more than a year, the open air market on Lighthouse Avenue will go on every Monday from 4p.m. to 8p.m.
Many shoppers welcomed the farmers market and said it was over due in Pacific Grove.
Meanwhile, opponents of the market say only time will tell what if any affect the market will have on other businesses.
Final vote – two thumbs up. Take care of it and it can be a great thing.