Mountain Lion Or Housecat?

Lion Layin

“There have been five sightings in the past week,” reported Paul Jeung, who works as a starter for the golf course.
Jeung said the mountain lion was seen on the back nine, which wraps around the lighthouse, and was described as “pretty small, about 100 pounds.”

Several of the sightings have been discounted by P.G. police officers. One “lion” turned out to be a large house cat and another, reported on Jewell Avenue near Sunset Drive, was described as “two feet long,” too small to be anything but a new cub.

Mountain Lion Or Housecat?

P.G. Man Pleads Guilty To Internet Sex Instant Messages

Homayun Ahmad pleaded guilty to federal charges related to a case of internet sex. The 37-year-old man admitted to have engaged in sexually explicit conversations on AOL instant messenger with someone he believed was a 16-year-old girl. He is expected to receive a 5-year prison sentence as part of a plea agreement.


P.G. Man Pleads Guilty To Internet Sex IMs