Tourists – Good For What?

From Hawaii. I’ve felt their pain for a long time.

People sometimes forget how important tourism is and start lamenting there are too many people around, particularly when business is good, she said.

“It’s just a tendency for people to start complaining,” Dance said. “And so the thing is, let’s remind everybody again.”

But not everyone in Hawaii is on board.

Critics say the industry offers poorly paid jobs and exploits Hawaiian culture. But many complaints are about increased traffic and congestion

Rena Risso, a 30-year-old who was born and raised in Kailua, understands the positive aspects of tourism, but she believes they’re outweighed by the negatives.

“I think, as far as the local’s point of view, it’s humbug,” she said after an early morning walk. “I can’t even take my kids to the beach on a weekend because it’s so crazy.”

Tourists – Good For What?


Re-Education Camp At R.H.D.

Using public school properties to show propaganda and gain political support. Ain’t that special. Can I have a screening of the documentary Blue  at Robert Down?

Protect Monterey County is a coalition of Monterey County and Central Coast individuals, businesses and other organizations who are mobilizing to place the Protect Our Water: Ban Fracking and Limit Risky Oil Operations measure on the November ballot for Monterey County.

“We will be gathering signatures at the event,” said Eavey. The goal is to gather 15,000 signatures before the May 1 deadline. “We need 7,500 good signatures but since the error rate is about 30 percent, we made our goal higher.”

Re-Education Camp At R.H.D.

New City Manager Hired

City Hall Help Wanted

Expert bureaucrat, does not yet know what “makes Pacific Grove unique and special”

Prior to coming the Monterey Peninsula, he was the city manager for the city of Avalon on Catalina Island from September 2013 to November 2015. Before that, Harvey worked as a regional manager for local public affairs for Southern California Edison for seven years.

“I’m working to understand everything that makes Pacific Grove unique and special and trying to keep it that way,” Harvey told The Herald.

New City Manager Hired

Top Gun Mazda Takes Out Sacramento Formation

Well that ought to keep the Sacramento tourists away. Pictures at KSBW.

Drivers involved in the 11 a.m. wreck said they were part of a sports car club from Sacramento. The group was on their way to cruise 17 Mile Drive in Pebble Beach when they decided to pull over in Pacific Grove by the ocean and take photographs.

As they were turning back onto Ocean View Boulevard, an approaching black Mazda convertible crashed into at least two of the group’s cars, club members said.

The Mazda’s personalized license plate frame read, “I’M NOT DRIVING FAST, I’M FLYING LOW.”

Top Gun Mazda Takes Out Sacramento Formation

Traffic Calming Coming To Forest Hill

Traffic Calming
Freedom Advocates

TMAC looks forward to more “bump outs” like at Forest and Lighthouse, more raised dividers like on Central and throw in a couple of ridiculous Marina style roundabouts.

Pacific Grove residents may be looking at a more pedestrian-friendly portion of the Holman Highway corridor in the future.

That’s because of a study produced through a partnership between Caltrans, the Transportation Agency of Monterey County and the city of Pacific Grove that is looking at ways to change Forest Avenue and Sunset Drive to make them more bicycle-friendly and conducive to pedestrians.

Traffic Calming Coming To Forest Hill

Many Restaurants Lie About Sourcing

I think that we as Americans have really come to expect inexpensive food. We spend a very small amount of our disposable income on food, and restaurateurs have to cope with that. They have to figure out how to offer food to us at a price we will pay, while buying the best ingredients that they can. And often, as in any other business, it’s buy low and sell high.

You confronted a lot of chefs about this, and a lot of them gave you the same answer.

[They said] “I guess that should come off the chalkboard.”

There were plenty of people who were honestly surprised to find something was still on the chalkboard or still on their menu many months after they’d purchased that product, and many others that were just caught red-handed.

Many Restaurants Lie About Sourcing

It Takes Guts To Support Republicans In P.G.

Good Old Days had a Donald Trump booth, no surprise that the other side was vocal and abusive.

New at the fair this year was a booth for Donald Trump supporters.

“We need to get out the information that in order to vote for Mr. Trump, (you) have to be registered (in the) Republican Party, and that’s why we have this booth,” said Jackie Miller, who represented Californians for Donald Trump.

The booth and campaign materials came out of her own pocket.

A lot of people stopped by to show their support, but they weren’t met without controversy.

During an interview with Action News, a Bernie Sanders supporter jumped in front of the camera, yelling “Bernie 2016!”

As the Sanders supporter walked away, he yelled, “No racists.”

Another Trump supporter volunteering at the booth said they had been harassed by hecklers all morning.

“We’ve had some very abusive, one particular person, and he’s doing this in front of his very small children, which I take offense to,” said Nikki Schoessow.

It Takes Guts To Support Republicans In P.G.

Look! Out In The Dark! It’s A Bird! It’s A Raccoon! It’s . .

. . Man Bun Man, our new superhero.

Man Bun Man

Surveillance cameras captured the incidents, and the chamber handed the footage over to the Pacific Grove Police Department and KSBW.

“The videos plainly show two separate incidents of the illegal act of impinging on the Chamber of Commerce’s right to freedom of expression,” chamber members said.

According to the city manager, one of the men in the videos was identified as local activist Luke Coletti, and he apologized.

But police are conducting an investigation to identify a second man in the video, who has a ponytail.

On Friday, the chamber announced it is offering a $500 reward for information that leads to the identification and arrest of the man with the ponytail.

Coletti told KSBW that he did not steal any signs, and merely put the signs on the ground. It was unclear if Coletti will face criminal charges.

Look! Out In The Dark! It’s A Bird! It’s A Raccoon! It’s . .

“Free Phone” Pushers Defrauding The Public

I am often a skeptic when a business exists solely on payments from government programs. Free Phones, mobility scooters, subsidized solar systems, electric cars, etc. Shows you just how loose the government is with our tax dollars.

The Federal Communications Commission plans to fine Total Call Mobile $51.1 million after alleging the carrier fraudulently collected payments from a program that subsidizes wireless service for low-income consumers.

According to FCC documents [PDF], since 2014 Total Call Mobile requested and received more than $9.7 million in payments by signing up tens of thousands of duplicate or ineligible consumers “despite repeated and explicit warnings from its own employees, in some cases compliance specialists, that company sales agents were engaged in widespread enrollment fraud.”

“Free Phone” Pushers Defrauding The Public