Drunk, passed out and in the bushes on Cannery Row is no way to go through life Krystina.
7/1/13 Non-injury traffic collision in the 200 block of Cannery Row.
7/1/13 Injury traffic collision at Wave and Drake.
7/1/13 Non-injury traffic collision at the Lighthouse Tunnel – South Bore.
7/1/13 MPD documented a peace disturbance in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
7/2/13 Victim reports theft of a Canon camera from somewhere in the 800 block of Cannery Row.
7/2/13 MPD documented a civil issue in the 300 block of Cedar St.
7/3/13 Victim reported a vandalism to her vehicle while parked at 32 Cannery Row, Lot 21. The driver’s side window was shattered out.
7/3/13 Hit and run collision on Wave near McClellan.
7/5/13 MPD documented graffiti in the men’s restroom at 32 Cannery Row
7/5/13 City of Monterey Public Works, reports graffiti at the Harbor Master’s Office.
7/5/13 City of Monterey Public Works, reports graffiti at the restrooms on Muni Wharf #2
7/5/13 MPD documented graffiti in the men’s restroom at Wharf 1.
7/5/13 City of Monterey Public Works, reportsgraffiti at the North end of Muni Wharf #2.
7/6/13 Monterey Police recovered a stolen 1996 Honda Civic while parked in the 800 block of David Ave. Vehicle was stolen from Salinas on 6/28/13.
7/6/13 Business in the 600 block of Cannery Row reports theft of a 7-speed men’s bicycle with trailer on 7/5/13.
7/6/13 MPD towed a red, 92 Ford Ranger from the 700 block of Hawthorne for expired registration over 6 months.
7/6/13 MPD documented a fall of person on the Recreation Trail behind 550 Wave Street.
7/7/13 Monterey Police Department documented a fight in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
7/7/13 Deceased person found at their residence in the 800 block of Pine St.
7/7/13 MPD documented injuries sustained after a fall in the 1000 block of Irving Ave.
7/7/13 MPD documented a fall of person in the 300 block of Prescott.
7/8/13 JABLONSKI, ALEXANDER, male/24, BRN/BLU/6-3/215, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, resisting,obstructing,delaying, carry concealable firearm in vehicle, carry loaded firearm in a vehicle and allowing a loaded firearm in a vehicle. AIKEN, CARLO, male/32, BRN/HZL/6-0/175, was arrested for resisting, obstructing, delaying, possession of methaphetamine, transportation of methaphetamine, occupant carry concealed firearm in vehicle, felon in possession of a firearm and felon in possession of ammunition. JABLONSKI and AIKEN were arrested at Spencer and McClellan incident to a traffic stop. Both were transported to Monterey County Jail for booking.
7/8/13 Victim reports having her peace disturbed by offensive words in the 300 block of Spencer St.
7/8/13 Victim reports her keys lost in the 800 block of Wave Street.
7/8/13 Victim reports a hit and run to her parked vehicle in the 200 block of Scott Street.
7/8/13 Non-injury traffic collision in the 400 block of Lighthouse.
7/9/13 Non-injury traffic collision at David / Lottie.
7/9/13 MPD investigates a fall of person at Wave / David.
7/9/13 MCSO was aided in the arrest of RAMIREZ, JUAN DIEGO, male/32, 5’04” 190, BLK/BRO, on a outstanding $3500 misdemeanor warrant, at Scott and Pacific.
7/10/13 REEVES, DORIAN ALONSO, male/19, 5’8, 160lbs, Blk, Brn, was arrested for providing false information to a peace officer after he was contacted for camping in a vehicle on Olivier near Scott. REEVES was also found to have a No Bail Felony Warrant, documented in case 13-3415. REEVES was booked at MPD and then transported to CJ.
7/10/13 MCSO was aided in the arrest of REEVES, DORIAN ALONSO, male/19, 5’8, 160lbs, Blk, Brn, for a felony no bail warrant on Olivier near Scott. REEVES was contacted for camping in a vehicle and was additionally arrested for providing false information to a peace officer in 13-3414.
7/10/13 Victim in the 800 block of Belden St. reports burglary to his on-site storage locker and theft of numerous items of scuba diving equipment.
7/10/13 Victim reports theft of $60.00 from her purse while it was in an unlocked classroom at Hilltop Park.
7/10/13 Victim in the 400 block of McClellan reports having her house and her car egged.
7/11/13 Subject reports finding a collection of music cd’s on the sidewalk at Foam and Hoffman yesterday.
7/12/13 CREES, KELLY, male/46, brn, blu, 5’9, 260, was arrested for public intoxication in the 600 block of Lighthouse Ave. Transported to County Jail to be released without charges per 849(b)(2) PC when sober without charges.
/12/13 WILLIAMS, JULIAN male/25, 6’0″, 180, BRN, BRN, Sun Ridge Rd Pebble Beach was arrested for domestic battery and criminal threats at Prescott / Taylor. JULIAN was booked at the Monterey County Jail where he will be held pending court or bail.
7/13/13 Victim reports a road rage dispute near Lighthouse and Prescott.
7/13/13 Victim in the 700 block of Grace Street reports theft of $50.00 on his debit card.
7/14/13 Suspect was cited for disturbing the peace in the 400 block of Lighthouse Ave.
7/15/13 WARNER, ZACHARY DANIEL, male/26, 5’10”, 170, Bro, Bro, was arrested for DUI at Lighthouse/Private Bolio. WARNER was booked into the Monterey County Jail.
7/15/13 Battery reported in the 300 block of Drake Ave., unfounded.
7/15/13 LOPEZ, DAVID, male/54, GRY/BRO 5’05″/175lbs, was arrested for public intoxication on the Rec Trail at Prescott. LOPEZ was transported to the Monterey County Jail where he was booked and later released.
7/15/13 MPD recovered a blk/gry stroller abandoned at the intersection of Cannery Row and Reeside.
7/16/13 Victim reports burglary to his vehicle while parked in the garage at Scott/Pacific.
7/16/13 Victim reports theft of his credit card number while using the gas pumps in the 800 block of Hawthorne St on 6-14-13.
7/17/13 Victim in the 700 block of Archer St. reports vandalism to her vehicle.
7/17/13 MARTIN, SKYLER THOMAS, male/25, Bln, Blu, 509, 160, was arrested for warrants at Wave/Prescott. MARTIN was transported and booked at Monterey County Jail on $15,000.00 bail.
7/17/13 HYMES, ANDRE MICHAEL, male/20, BRO/BRO 5’09” 145, was arrested for domestic violence in the 2000 block of David Ave. HYMES transported to Monterey County Jail pending $20,000 bail.
7/18/13 Victim reports losing a blue wallet with cash and a credit card in the area of 685 Cannery Row.
7/18/13 RANSOM, CURTIS KING, male/56, 6’3, 175lbs, Blk, Brn, was arrested for robbery after he used force to steal two rings from a business in the 700 block of Lighthouse Ave. RANSOM booked into the Monterey County Jail pending bail.
7/18/13 Victim reports an unknown person who was above the North Bore Lighthouse Tunnel to have thrown a rock striking/damaging the windshield of his vehicle.
7/19/13 Victim reports theft of her vehicle from the 200 block of Hawthorne St.
7/19/13 Victim reports theft from a vending machine in the 500 block of Wave St.
7/19/13 Victim in the 600 block of McClellan Ave. reports theft of her White Specialized bicycle stolen from the bike rack located at the Rec Trail and Hoffman after the bike lock was cut.
7/19/13 Subject fled from a traffic stop on Foam at Reeside. His vehicle was towed for obstructing a roadway by Matteson and Beers. Charges pending.
7/19/13 AGUILAR, ANTHONY, male/24, 5’10″/160, Brn/Brn was cited for driving without the required ignition interlock device on Cannery Row, and Prescott.
7/20/13 CAMPOS, YESENNIA, KRYSTINA, female/21, 5-07, 130 lbs., brown, brown, was arrested for public intoxication after she was found asleep in the bushes in the 600 block of Cannery Row. CAMPOS booked at the MPD Jail and later released without charges.
7/20/13 MPD towed, a black Chrysler, , a silver Honda, , a silver Saturn, a blue Honda, a gray Volvo, a white Volvo, a blue Dodge, a gray Honda, a gold Honda, a red Kia, and a gold Honda, all from the area of Cannery Row, Hoffman, and Prescott.
7/20/13 ADAM, MICHAEL male/46, 5’11”, 180, BRN, HZL, was placed under citizen’s arrest challenging to fight at Windows on the Bay.
7/20/13 MCSO was aided in the arrest of CELAYA, KIMBERLY, female/48, 5’4, 138 lbs, for a misdemeanor warrant while at Windows on the Bay park. Bail: $10,000. CELAYA was transported to County Jail.
7/20/13 MPD towed a White, 2002, Dodge, Durango, after it was discovered totally blocking a driveway in the 800 block of Belden Street.
7/20/13 BONILLA, YESSENIA, female/23, 5’4″, 154lbs, blk, brn, was arrested for public intoxication near Prescott and Lighthouse. She was booked at the Monterey County Jail and released per 849PC upon reaching a point of sobriety.
7/20/13 MCCAFFERTY, JAMES PATRICK, male/52,, Bald, Brown, 511, 195, was arrested in the 700 block of Pine for public intoxication. MCCAFERTY was booked at Monterey County Jail and will be released when sober.
7/21/13 Victim reports theft of his motorcycle from the 700 block of Hawthorne.
7/21/13 Subject reports a civil dispute regarding his vehicle being towed from the private lot at Wave/ Hoffman.
7/21/13 GRIFFITH, STEVEN, male/37, 6’3″, 200lbs, Bro/Bro, was issued a citation for an outstanding misdemeanor warrant, bail $5000.00. GRITTITH was contacted after a traffic enforcement stop for speeding through the Lighthouse Ave. Southbore.
7/21/13 Victim in the 500 block of Foam St. reports burglary to a storage unit, nothing taken.
7/22/13 PEPPER, MARLON male/43 Brn, Blu,5-11, 210 was arrested for public intoxication in the 600 block of Cannery Row. PEPPER will be released without charges when sober.
7/22/13 MPD investigated after-hours alcohol consumption in the 0-100 block of Prescott Ave.
7/22/13 City of Monterey Harbormaster at 256 Figueroa St. reports a peace disturbance.
7/22/13 ASARO, ANDREW male/44, Brn/Brn, 5-10/185lbs, was cited for driving on a suspended license at Hoffman and Pine.
7/22/13 Non-injury collision at David and Hawthorne.
7/23/13 HERNANDEZ, REYNALDO male/30 Blk,Brn, 5-05, 145 was arrested for DUI and driving while unlicensed on Scott at Pacific. HERNANDEZ was transported to the Monterey County Jail for booking and release on citation when sober.
7/23/13 Victim reports the loss of his black iPhone 4Gs from the 800 block of Cannery Row on 7/21/13.
7/23/13 Hit and run collision at Prescott and Lighthouse.
7/23/13 Victim reports being challenged to fight and followed on several occasions by suspect in the Cannery Row area.
7/24/13 RIO, KRISTY female/49, Brn/Brn, 5-3, 120lbs, was arrested for public intoxication during an investigation in the 700 block of Wave St.
7/25/13 MPD documented suspicious circumstances involving an intoxicated subject on the Recreation Trail at Wave St.
7/25/13 Victim reports burglary to his vehicle while it was parked in the 200 block of Foam St. No property was stolen.
7/26/13 Subject reported his vehicle stolen from the intersection of Cannery Row and Prescott. Subject later determined his vehicle had been left parked in another location and was not stolen.
7/26/13 Victim reports losing her black iPhone 4 in a white Lifeproof case in the area of 750 Cannery Row.
7/27/13 LOPEZ, DAVID, male/54, 5’05, 175 lbs,Gry, Bro, was arrested for public intoxication in the 600 block of Cannery Row. LOPEZ was booked at the county jail and will be released upon reaching a level of sobriety.
7/27/13 Victim in the 500 block of Hawthorne St. reports burglary to his vehicle. Taken: unknown.
7/27/13 Victim reports hit and run collision to his parked vehicle while parked in the 600 block of Lighthouse.
7/27/13 Victim reports theft of her white Vera Wang clutch containing her drivers license, credit card, $250 in cash, a hotel room key and car keys (total value: $300) from the bus bench on Cannery Row at the intersection with Prescott.
7/27/13 Victim reports theft from her unlocked vehicle while parked in front of her residence in the 900 block of David Ave. LOSS: Car battery, bench seat, 2 child car seats, and 1 child stroller all valued at approximately $800.
7/27/13 MPD documented a civil issue in the 700 block of Cannery Row.
7/28/13 Victim in the 1100 block of McClellan reported 4 subjects to have tampered with his vehicle while it was parked in the carport of his apartment complex. The subjects possibly siphoned gas.
7/28/13 MPD documented a civil issue in the 1800 block of David Ave.
7/28/13 Injury collision of a bicyclist -VS- Driveway curb in the 800 block of Hawthorne St.
7/28/13 Business in the 700 block of Cannery Row turned over a California License Plate.
7/29/13 Victim fell off of her bicycle while on the Recreation Trail near the Coast Guard Pier, 32 Cannery Row.
7/29/13 MPD documented a found wallet from the 500 block of Wave, on the Recreation Trail. Wallet returned to owner.
7/29/13 MPD documented the recovery of a single Nissan car key that found on the Rec Trail at Prescott/Wave.
7/30/13 Victim fell off her bike on Cannery Row east of Foam.
7/30/13 Victim reports being struck by a car resulting in injury, while riding his bicycle across Prescott at the Rec Trail.
7/30/13 Victim reports hit and run collision versus her parked vehicle in the parking lot of 686 Lighthouse.
7/30/13 MCSO was aided in the arrest ofREYNOLDS, LARRY GENE, male/55, 5’07”, 175 lbs, Bln, Blu, on two $3,500 misdemeanor warrants in the 600 block of Wave Street. REYNOLDS was cited and released at the scene on MPD cite.
7/30/13 Victim in the 500 block of David Avenue reports someone to have opened an unauthorized account using her personal identifying information and attempted purchase $1,200 worth of goods. ABBOTT was notified and the order was canceled.
7/31/13 Victim in the 600 block of Lily St. reports an unknown male standing in front of the front door to her residence, male fled before police arrival.
7/31/13 Suspect was cited and released for possession of marijuana less than one ounce on the Rec Trail north of Wharf #1.
7/31/13 JONES, BETTY female/52, Bln/Hzl, 5-3/110lbs, was placed under citizen’s arrest for battery, at Window on the Bay Park. JONES transported to Monterey County Jail pending $3500 bail.