Section Of Sunset Scores A Sidewalk

Between Congress ave and 17 Mile Drive. Great news for bicycles that don’t ride where they belong.

The small stretch of road is not near any hotels or services, so it’s unclear how often the new pathway will be used, especially by tourists. And it’s an uphill climb from 17 Mile Drive to Congress, which could make for a difficult trek for people in non-motorized wheelchairs and those with other disabilities.

Section Of Sunset Scores A Sidewalk

Apartments Proposed For Valley Old National Bank Site

OK, but three stories?

Santa Clarita-based AMG & Associates has proposed two three-story buildings, each of which would have five apartments. One building would be along Grand Avenue and the other would face Forest Avenue. Nine five-bedroom units would be rented at market rate while one four-bedroom apartment would be designated as affordable housing

Apartments Proposed For Valley Old National Bank Site