or As The Stomach Turns. Saturday mornings.
Is this Lightfoot’s other vehicle:
or As The Stomach Turns. Saturday mornings.
Is this Lightfoot’s other vehicle:
Watch these once typical P,G, homes all experience a P.G Remodel festival where the triple in size and increase 800% in price.
A single parcel of land taking up one block with 15 cottage-style dwellings on it was recently sold in Pacific Grove for $10 million. According to real estate agent Debby Beck who represented the buyer, the property sits on one parcel and could only be sold as one parcel since the lots had not been split in almost 100 years.
Concrete & asphalt white elephant. Good place for a modern hotel or several multimillion-dollar homes.
“Our legal strategy is to work with the City of Pacific Grove, the Ohlone Costanoan Esselen Nation, and the California Coastal Commission to demonstrate that the Public Buildings Reform Board failed to engage with local stakeholders, as legally required, when it recommended inclusion of the NOAA property in the portfolio of ‘high value’ properties to be sold through the Federal Assets Sale Transfer Act,” the group explained. “Perhaps more importantly, the board issued a report in December 2021 explicitly stating that the Pacific Grove property does not meet its current evaluation criteria for a ‘high value’ property. “