How many does this make, 3?
Nadja should be the chairperson of the Pacific Grove DUI Task force, with table mates Weakly’s Erik Cushman, Teacher Larry Haggquist, City Manager Jim Colangelo, Registrar Of Voters Linda Tulett and Deborah King.
How many does this make, 3?
Nadja should be the chairperson of the Pacific Grove DUI Task force, with table mates Weakly’s Erik Cushman, Teacher Larry Haggquist, City Manager Jim Colangelo, Registrar Of Voters Linda Tulett and Deborah King.
Call for talent. Want to belly dance on the pier or square-dance?
Join us for a fun day at the beach ! Do you sing ? Do you dance ? Do you have an act you would like to perform on the pier? Come show off at Pacific Grove’s Summer Lights festival on Saturday , July 27th . Contact us to sign up at
Here is another similar ‘shopped photo found at her daytime job’s website
Says the owners on Facebook.
Yelp Photo
We want to get you all caught up on a small brewery coming to Pacific Grove. About 3 years ago we started the process to open a small brewery on Lighthouse in Pacific Grove. We had an enormous amount of community support and we were so grateful to see that we had a good backing to get us through the permitting and We purchased the old Laundromat on Lighthouse Ave and that is where we learned that opening a small brewery in a historical area is not such a simple process. Fast forward 3 years and construction has begun on Hops and Fog Brewing formerly
The Saucy Otter).
Opportunities abound to travel to conferences and not participate.
This website received an official registered letter demanding the first story about his guilty plea to (not a lawyer) services be removed.
on May 27, 2021, Henry Leinen, age 67 of Pacific Grove, was sentenced for providing legal document assistant services after his registration to perform such services was revoked by Monterey County. Leinen’s registration to provide these services was revoked as a result of his convictions for unauthorized practice of law and forgery in 2017. This new misdemeanor conviction was also a violation of Leinen’s probation in his 2017 case. Leinen was sentenced to 20 days jail, which may be served through the work alternative program, in addition to a $1,000 fine.
Henry Not A Lawyer Leinen Sentenced
Country Club Gate, crime capital of Pacific Grove,
At 3:30 p.m. (4) masked and armed males walked into Chase Bank at the Country Club Gate Shopping Center.
The suspects took an undisclosed amount of money and no injuries have been reported.Multiple witnesses were able to provide valuable information, including a great vehicle description.
After officers responded and determined the suspects had fled, they found the involved van parked in the area of Moreland and Arkwright. The van was unoccupied and reported stolen.
I was a family spot saver for the Feast Of Lanterns for many years. On Friday night I would put down a tarp of the ground and then come back at about 11:00 am on Saturday to enjoy the day at the beach. I hated the few saved spots that were only occupied from 7:00 pm to closing. It’s gotten crazier with people saving places earlier in the week.
We want you to know, and please share with others, that if you place blankets on the beach you do so at your own risk. Be aware the tide might take blankets, other visitors who want to hang out or swim at the beach may move them, and so on.
Our message to staff regarding calls from community members wondering if they may move a blanket to hang out at the beach is, they most certainly can.