Come-Heres Want To Remove the Grove Of P.G.

Move. Why buy a home under trees if you have dendrophobia?

Wtf Tree

Christie Monson and Tim Calvert know the municipal battle well. With three, 50-foot-plus cypress trees in their front yard – and worries one or more will fall onto their home, especially amid consistently stormy weather of late – the Pacific Grove couple has been wrestling with the city to have the towering conifers removed.

So far, the city has denied the pair’s request, maintaining the trees are healthy and don’t need to come out.

But Monson and Calvert aren’t convinced. Instead, they’ve started sleeping as far away from the trees as they could get, moving their bed from their front-of-house bedroom to a nook near the back.

Come-Heres Want To Remove the Grove Of P.G.

When The City Council Wants To Go Dutch SAY NO

A stately but decaying elm in Pacific Grove that was at the center of a debate over  preservation versus public safety was removed from Jewell Park late last week.

On Friday, Dec. 17, a work crew chopped down the 40-foot elm, which a group of residents had tried to save but which the City of Pacific Grove said posed a danger to the public. A legal  battle was waged when Patricia Purwin and Charles Schwartz sued the city in hopes of stopping its removal. That fight ended Dec. 16 when. Monterey County Superior Court Judge Thomas Wills declined to temporarily restrain the city from taking the tree down.

When The City Council Wants To Go Dutch SAY NO


Want More Butterflies? PLANT TREES

Don’t chop them down.

More Butterfly Trees

It’s the past management mishaps combined with a declining monarch population that has city officials more cognizant about how the sanctuary is currently managed. In 2009, some overly-trimmed trees were thought to cause the demise of some of the monarchs. That sparked debate and instigated a re-do of the monarch sanctuary management plan that was developed in the 1990s. Weiss was later instrumental in the process of planting a second row of eucalyptus trees along the sanctuary’s southern boundary with the theory that redundancy creates a safeguard.

Overall, he said the city is taking a conservative approach when it comes to the sanctuary’s maintenance this year, which will only include the removal of a couple of dead trees, which will be replaced with pine and cypress.

Want More Butterflies? PLANT TREES

Trees Vs Gravity On Pine St

Glad it did not fall on anyone like in the butterfly grove.

Pine ave

Chaikin admits she hadn’t thought much about the conditions of the city’s trees until a limb from a eucalyptus fell on her car on April 30, damaging its roof. After trying several times to reach someone at the city to report the matter, Chaikin said she ended up hiring an arborist to come survey the situation. She has since been in touch with the city.

Trees Vs Gravity On Pine St

Tree Tires Of Waiting For Permit, Falls On Its Own

City arborist said the tree was fine and had a lot of life left in it. Arborist just might be a moron.

The top of the tree took out his children’s zipline and the family’s bench swing. Penchan said he is happy it was him and the dog in the backyard and not one of his three children, who may not have recognized the sound.

Penchan said he and his realtor had already asked the city for a permit to remove the tree twice.

“It should have never gotten this far. This was an issue we brought up first in November,” he said.

Penchan and his wife bought the home on Walnut Street at the end of 2014. In November, their real estate agent, John Carminati, with Jones Group, expressed concerns about the tree and filed for a permit to remove the tree. Carminati said the city lost that application.

Tree Tires Of Waiting For Permit, Falls On Its Own

Battle Over A Tree

On Wood street.

The removal plan was appealed by Gibson Avenue residents Saschja and Peter Marseguerra, who say the tree is “a unique and beautiful wonder of nature that we should respect, not kill.”

An arborist hired by a neighboring property owner concluded that removing the tree seemed “the most logical choice,” but said it could be preserved with pruning, support and annual monitoring.

A resident whose home is under the tree, in an email, called upon the city to remove the tree for safety reasons. A couple who live a few homes away wrote that the tree, if deemed truly dangerous, should be removed, but it would be best to save it if possible.

I know, move the tree to the yard where it can be respected.
Brevity Comic Hippie 080609

Battle Over A Tree

Plant More Eucalyptus!

Bob Pacelli’s tree project appears to be a smart thing to do.

Among his recommendations for the sanctuary are placing eucalyptus trees for more wind shelter and “habitat complexity,” trimming hazardous trees, planting more oak trees and assessing older trees and pitch canker risks of Monterey pines on the property.

Even though they are native to Australia and have nothing to do with the monarch’s historic habitat, Weiss said it was critical for the city to plant new blue gum eucalyptus trees along the southern row of the grove — and he said it should be done in February and March after the monarchs leave.

Plant More Eucalyptus!

Tree Rules Cut Down. You Can Learn A Lot From A Moron

Stump Lighthouse Congress

The changes would allow private property owners to replace cut-down trees with suitable trees listed by the city’s Natural Resources Committee as appropriate, though not necessarily the same species as those lost, and eliminate the “two-for-one” replacement requirement.

They hold the city to a higher standard of replacing trees, Frutchey said, noting Pacific Grove hasn’t kept up with the loss of trees on public property. Schematics included in the ordinance proposal noted a decline in the city’s tree canopy cover from 33 percent to 20 percent of its land area since 1986.

Tree Rules Cut Down. You Can Learn A Lot From A Moron

Decriminalizing Tree Removal – Thom’s Tree Posse Loses Their Badges

Killer Tree

A revised tree ordinance that would do away with criminal penalties could come before the Pacific Grove City Council for approval next spring.

The ordinance would offer incentives for property owners to plant and maintain trees and would allow private property owners to pay to trim city trees.

Decriminalizing Tree Removal – Thom’s Tree Posse Loses Their Badges

City Council Candidates In Lock Step On Issues

Same old blah blah blah. More taxes, change the tree policy, high cost desalinization, more development.

As the date comes near, I’ll be asking some tougher questions such as where they stand on the chicken control issue.

Four candidates for three four-year terms on the Pacific Grove City Council showed few areas of disagreement at a forum Tuesday at Chautauqua Hall that drew an audience of 50.

Incumbent Councilmen Ken Cuneo and Alan Cohen, and challengers Rudolph Fischer and Richard Ahart Jr., who will face off in the Nov.2 municipal election, answered written questions submitted by the audience on a number of city issues.

City Council Candidates In Lock Step On Issues