Dionne Doubles Down

No interviews with the Pine Cone, she needs time to rehearse her answers and does not do a good job at that. As a mayor you cannot run away to think up an excuse then give your answers in front of a web cam. While wearing the clown glasses.

Instagram video no longer available – Dionne is scrubbing her content from the internets, her lamadrewahine account has been deleted.

Click the below picture to see the deleted video

Dionne Ybarra

Quoted comment from Karl Lindstrom

Doubling down again and again. She is too triggered by her own “trauma” or the “tone” used in conversation to be able to make rational decisions. Obvious she is still coming to terms with her own involvement in “colonial genocide” being a US citizen directly supporting and paying to generate for her own supply of “trauma” by staying in this country and supporting the status quo. She kept the video up and smeared herself. If nothing else this is just bad word salad politics with no backbone. The thin excuse that she is just a pre-school teacher protecting kids from the super dangerous Israelis and Zionists throughout the world is just that. The Philippines has real preschools. Not just foreign nationals sitting on a beach supervising the kids after being in town for 2.5 months. The maximum stay on a tourist vista before you have to go through the work permit process at 90 days in. This whole “living and working idea” is totally debunked.


Watching a second time, I really enjoy the multiple Freudian slips. She should have at least done some editing or a second take. Correcting from possessive language is a deeper insight into “who she is and what she’s doing”. Shifts from “did it for the preschoolers” to “did it for me and my personal trauma as a WOC”. If we all go around projecting our trauma on strangers, we end up with really unhealthy individuals like this. How do you “misquote” a video? She’s too disingenuous.

And why the clown glasses?
Clown Glasses

Dionne Doubles Down

Meet The Candidates For Mayor – Dionne Ybarra

Dionne Ybarra – came in last place in a losing bid for mayor in 2018.

Listen to what she says in this Instagram* post. Say these things in the USA? that would absolutely be a hate crime. There’s the civil rights violation for ordering people off public property, and then you have discrimination based on nationality.

*Instagram video no longer available – Dionne is scrubbing her content from the internets, her lamadrewahine account has been deleted.

(Click on image below to watch).

Dionne Ybarra

And I have to work on my, like, non judgment about.
Because they’re Israelis doesn’t mean what you think it means Dionne. You’re in this public space.
And I ask, are you. I just have to ask, are you Zionists?

What? Would you like a mayor of your town judging citizens based on their race?

Meet The Candidates For Mayor – Dionne Ybarra