Seal Posse Opposes Hotel At ATC

And did you know that a Fakebook Page about seals has fewer followers than subscribers to the Hear-old?

Pacific Grove’s shoreline is also a place where thousands of tourists flock to in order to observe wildlife, including the popular seals around Hopkins Marine Station. Thom Akeman, a docent with Bay Net, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary’s volunteer naturalist program, said he’s seen more than 1,000 newborn pups over the past 17 years he’s been a docent.

He’s talked about seals with more than 50,000 visitors and has trained other docents to help tourists and visitors understand the seal colonies. His wife, Kim Akeman, maintains a Facebook page called “Harbor Seals of Pacific Grove” that has in excess of 12,000 followers.

“We have seen how little it takes sometimes to disturb the harbor seals and drive them off the beaches,” Thom Akeman said about the estimated two years worth of construction that includes removing an estimated 70,000 tons of granite bedrock — enough to fill 6,000 dump trucks.

The environmental report states that no blasting will occur at the site, but it also notes in a geotechnical report that removing that much granite “will probably not be possible with conventional construction equipment.” It does not reference what alternative means of excavation would be used.

Seal Posse Opposes Hotel At ATC

Beacon House Closing It’s Doors

Could not recover from Covid it seems.

Beacon House

Senior Vice President Teresa Garate said, “For over six decades, Beacon House has been there for people suffering from substance use disorders and mental health issues, and has done so with compassionate care and the highest quality treatment in the field.”

“The pandemic has negatively impacted many industries and addiction treatment has not escaped its wrath. At the same time, we have seen deterioration in insurance reimbursement,” says Garate.

As of December 31, 2020, Beacon House will close its doors.

Beacon House Closing It’s Doors

Oooo Sting!

In the latest of a long string of cars being driven into local buildings, this Subaru crashed into a music store in downtown Pacific Grove Thursday morning.

Police didn’t say what they believe caused the crash or identify the driver, but the wreckage offered some possible clues: A handicapped placard is visible near the steering wheel and there’s a walker on the back seat.

Oooo Sting!

Life Has Not Been Good To Scott Russo

Living it the way  he chose to.

Scott Russo in 2005, arrested for robbing the Kragen Auto Parts store he managed

Scott Russo  in 2020
Scott Russo 2020

On November 28, 2020 at approximately 6:57 p.m., Monterey Police Officers were dispatched to Mandeville Court on a report of a burglary in progress at a closed business. The person reporting the incident observed the suspect inside the business removing items before leaving in a pickup truck. Responding officers located the truck on Highway 68 and stopped it.

The driver of the truck was identified as Scott Russo, 47 years-old of Monterey. Russo was found to be on Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) for a previous conviction of burglary and had an outstanding felony arrest warrant for burglary. Russo was arrested and in possession of burglary tools and a small amount of cocaine. Officers searched the truck and located stolen property that
had been taken from the business on Mandeville Court.

Life Has Not Been Good To Scott Russo

Cancel Culture Clubs Cop

Say what’s on your mind? Don’t do it in P.G. Especially if it shows the goal of a Marxist movement that says to kill police officers.

A Pacific Grove police officer has been placed on leave after he allegedly made a social media posting using offensive language about the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s the same officer who in May reportedly placed stickers on his private vehicle with anti-LGBTQ language as well as supporting a right-wing militia group.

Randy Fairgarden and other members of a group he identified as “concerned citizens” have launched a petition calling for the termination of the officer involved. Fairgarden said it has received 1,200 signatures to date.

“You don’t think (police department) knew who he was?” Fairgarden said. “Do you think he’s the only one in the police department who holds those views?”

Cancel Culture Clubs Cop