Oh. Wild Fish Has No Business License In Addition To Unpaid Taxes

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Liz Jacobs, owner of Wild Fish on Lighthouse Avenue, leads the city-sanctioned  downtown Business Improvement District board, or BID, which holds marketing events to draw more people to P.G. But Jacobs, the chair of the board, has not remitted business license tax for the restaurant at 545 Lighthouse for two fiscal years — even though the group she heads pays for its programs with the same tax dollars.

OK, delinquent taxes, no business license. How are they on health department inspections or payroll deductions? Place is starting to resemble a grease fire of infractions.

Oh. Wild Fish Has No Business License In Addition To Unpaid Taxes

Wild Fish Owes $126,750 In Unpaid Taxes, Is That Winning?

Parklet gadfly also got $533,000 in Covid relief government handouts. Is that Excellence in tax cheating or what?

According to the recorder’s office in Salinas, Flying Kipper Corp. faces three liens from the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration for unpaid sales taxes from Oct. l, 2022, to Dec. 31, 2023, amounting to $116,987.66 including a $25,209.86 lien that was filed with the recorder’s office Tuesday — and a lien from the Monterey County Tax Collector for $9,765.12. In all, the restaurant’s unpaid taxes amount to $126,752.78. A lien is a legal claim to property that prevents the owner from selling it without first settling the debt.

Liz Jacobs

The ugly parklet blocks the view of the block. No P.G. charm here, just an expensive restaurant hiding from the tax man.

wildfish parklet

Wild Fish Owes $126,750 In Unpaid Taxes, Is That Winning?

Weed Store Tax Being Spent Before It’s Ever Collected

Butterfly Weed

No surprise, all the MJ trade has been asking for tax cutbacks so they can compete.

Better to teach adults who supply drugs, weed, alcohol to “youth” some guidelines. Another high (ha ha) priced weed outlet won’t be a teen’s first choice.

Chaps Poduri — Who is campaigning in favor Of allowing a marijuana retail store in town — suggested that tax revenue from marijuana sales go toward educating young people on how to use it.

Mike Gibbs called Poduri’s comments “dangerous,” and called for Poduri to take an “immediate leave of absence from city council and go back to school to learn how dangerous the psychoactive THC in cannabis really is for children.”

Weed Store Tax Being Spent Before It’s Ever Collected

Stupid Tax Idea Dead At Starting Line

Not really a good way to represent the people that already pay enough taxes. Maybe she was looking for revenues to pay council a full salary with benefits.

Tax Day

An idea by Pacific Grove City Councilwoman Jenny McAdams to tax property owners whose homes are “empty” “underutilized” received a frigid reception from residents and her council colleagues at a meeting Wednesday night. The idea was shot down without even the first statement taken toward developing the proposal.
McAdams proposed taxing people who own homes in P.G. but don’t live in them often enough and don’t rent them out an annual tax on each of the 1,34 “empty homes” in PG.,

Stupid Tax Idea Dead At Starting Line

Jenny McAdams Says More Taxes Will Solve Everything

I blame the system that allowed funky old P.G. homes be doubled or tripled in size after a “P.G. Remodel” contributed to the second/vacation home craze.

Jenny McAdams, in a report to her council colleagues, said imposing a so-called “empty-home tax” on those who own homes in Pacific Grove but don’t rent them out or live in them often enough could bring big bucks to city hall and have other benefits.

Jenny McAdams Says More Taxes Will Solve Everything

Read My Municipal Code, No New Taxes

Officials so excitedly worked up over more taxes they failed in the written exam.Berryman political cartoon on income tax vs sales_tax June 33

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration was going over the paperwork for P.G.’s approved ballot measure, officials noticed an error. Following the election, the Pacific Grove City Council — instead of approving a resolution supporting voters’ decision to increase the sales tax — inadvertently supported a resolution to increase the city’s “uniform sales and use tax” — a different type of tax.

The two separate tax categories, represented by numbers, are differentiated by just one digit in the city’s Municipal Code, and nobody noticed that the resolution referred to the incorrect category.

After the tax agency informed P.G. of the blunder, the city council tried to fix it by repealing and replacing the bungled resolution. But that didn’t satisfy the state. On Jan. 28, officials told Pacific Grove that because of the error, it would not honor Measure L and would not collect the increased sales tax on the city’s behalf.

Read My Municipal Code, No New Taxes

Another Vote To Pour Money Into Schools

We keep hearing that schools need more money to educate the children, but all I see are multi-million dollar football fields, parking lots and administration buildings.

A $7,000,000.00 artificial turf football field
Breaker Stadium 6 Million

A parking lot at PGHS
Dmc PGhs Parking Lot

Offices? Maintenance yard?
Dmc PGms Offices

Administrator Offices?
Measure X PG Sd Offices

This heavy duty sign must cost at least $800 to build and anchor with concrete. That architect is not local.
School Dmc Sign

Pacific Grove to vote on $30 million bond for school maintenance

From Those People That Brought You The Bike Lane To Nowhere

Wouldn’t a rail-like system work on existing rails? Only in service during rush hours and sits empty the rest of the day?

Newsom Robbing Gas Tax

The project calls for constructing a 12-foot-wide reversible busway with shoulders along a six-mile section of the TAMC-owned rail line right of way parallel to Highway 1 from Del Monte Boulevard and Palm Avenue in Marina to the Contra Costa Street intersection in Sand City/Seaside, allowing buses to operate in both directions.

The project already has $15 million in allocated Measure X funding, and TAMC and MST are expected to seek about $25 million in state grant funding to cover the remainder of the project’s total capital cost.

From Those People That Brought You The Bike Lane To Nowhere

To Be Substainable Collect More Tax

The “S” word again.

The city’s proposed general fund budget shows a growing deficit of $2.4 million for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, $3.5 million for 2021-2022 and $5 million for 2022-2023.

“This is not sustainable and we need to get to a structurally balanced budget, where our income or revenues can adequately pay for our spending or expenditures,” Uslar wrote to the council.

Hotel tax is important because it provides 28% of the city’s total revenue, more than property tax and sales tax combined.

To Be Substainable Collect More Tax

Not Getting That Promised Pot Tax Revenue

High taxes and overregulation are a big buzzkill.

A bill was introduced Monday in the California legislature that would give legal cannabis businesses a tax break to help them thrive and better compete with the underground market.

In a release announcing the proposed bill, state officials said cannabis taxes can eventually generate $8 to $20 billion in annual revenue for California. The current taxes imposed on the state’s cannabis industry were part of Proposition 64, the adult-use legalization measure passed by California voters in November 2016.

California started selling legal marijuana last year, but some observers have blamed the aggressive state tax rates and overregulation for continuing underground pot sales.

Not Getting That Promised Pot Tax Revenue