Cultural Calendar Adds Days

DEI, still offending the Christian faith I see.

A Pacific Grove diversity panel which earlier this year omitted Christmas and Easter from a “cultural calendar” has included the major holidays on a revised version of the document, but one of the panel’s members this week expressed hesitation in adding more European and American cultural events for fear of making it “bland”.

Cultural Calendar Adds Days

P.G. Land Acknowledgment Should Include Prehistoric Life

The Dinosaur Equity and Inclusion committee insists that they were here before the humans. After all, they gave their lives so we could have petroleum.

dino and butterflies

If the city council OKs Rau’s recommendation, it will follow the Pacific Grove Unified School District, which notes in part at its board meetings that “we are on the traditional land of the Ohlone, Costanoan and Esselen people.’

P.G. Land Acknowledgment Should Include Prehistoric Life

Define Homeschooling

Dionne there says that home schooling is “resistance to patriarchy and colonialism”.

Homeschooling is part of our resistance to patriarchy and colonialism

I agree with the commenter there, not having heard of it defined that way. It’s more like resistance to drag queen shows, DEI, perverted teachers and other woke lessons.

Here’s the checklist from Howard County Public School System, noting the items every classroom should have.



Good reason to homeschool in Harris County.

DEI Thinks These Are The Days To Recognize

This was started last year and has not improved from the original list of days. Is this all the DEI does?

at the DEI Task Force meeting Monday night, members unveiled a pared-down draft of the calendar, which omitted what are likely the two most internationally celebrated cultural events of the year — Christmas and Easter. While none of the four task force members mentioned the two Christian events during the  meeting, Doneux said the panel is “certainly open to other people’s suggestions for additions” to the calendar.

The DEI task force, which meets once a month, voted
Monday to continue discussion of the cultural calendar to
a “date uncertain.”

Korean American Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
National Day of Racial Healing. Our Beloved Community: A Journey Towards Black
& Brown Solidarity on the Monterey Peninsula.
Homelessness: Monterey County Point-in-Time Street Count.
Kwanzaa ends
UN Holocaust Remembrance Day
National Freedom Day
Lunar New Year
BLAAC and Mils Film Festival
Black History Month
Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) Voices at MIIS
Women’s History Month
International Women’s Day
On the Road to Hope & Joy: A Workshop at PG Adult School
Farmworkers Awareness Week
World Down Syndrome Day
Celebrate Diversity Month
Emancipation Day
World Autism Awareness Day
Asian Cultural Show at MPC
Festival of Languages, Cultures, and Ideas
Moonflower Festival
Oaxaca Guelaguetza Cultural Festival
College of Health Sciences and Human Services (CHSHS) Diversity Celebration
May Day/lnternational Workers Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
Mothers’ Day
Walk of Remembrance (Chinese) in PG
Red Dress Day (Indigenous People)
De Colores (advance farmworker advocacy)
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
International Day for Countering Hate Speech
Fathers’ Day
Monterey Bonsai Show
Marina Multi-cultural Festival
Palenke Arts Festival• Seaside
Monterey Peninsula Pride Celebration
Santa Cruz Pride
PrideLand (Hollister/San Benito County)
Disability Pride Month
Obon Festival
International Non-Binary Peoples Day
International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
International Day of People of African Descent
Watsonville Strawberry Festival
International Youth Day
Women’s Equality Day
LatinX Heritage/National Hispanic Heritage Month (starts Sept 15th)
LatinX Heritage/National Hispanic Heritage Month (finishes October 15th)
Global Diversity Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Indigenous Peoples’ Day (second day of October)
International Pronouns Day
National Native American Heritage Month
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Native American Heritage Day
International Human Rights Day
Kwanzaa begins

So, here is Lighthouse Avenue’s list of suggestions. Not as inclusive or as wack Katie and Bruce’s list, but very accommodating.

National Big Forehead Day
My Way Day (A favorite of DEI members)
Extraterrestrial Culture Day
National I LOVE My feet Day
National Bad Poetry Day
Measure Your Feet Day
National Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
Talk Like William Shakespeare Day
National Griper’s Day
Alien Abduction Day
Send an Electronic Greeting Card Day
National Lumpy Rug Day
Create a Great Funeral Day
National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
National Rubber Eraser Day
No Socks Day
Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day
Stay Away From Fresno Day
National Emo Day
Invite an Alien to Live with You Day
Take it in the Ear Day
Hurray for Buttons Day
Call of the Horizon Day
A’Phabet Day or No “L” Day
National Ugly Truck Contest Day
Do a Grouch a Favor Day
False Confession Day
Dumbstruck Day
Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales
Clashing Clothes Day
National Name Your Car Day
Curmudgeons Day
Hawaiian Shirt Day
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
Barbie-in-a-Blender Day
National Reach As High As You Can Day
Gorilla Suit Day
Haunted Refrigerator Night
Keep Off the Grass Day
Fill Our Staplers Day
Jump Over Things Day
Sock Monkey Day
Kyrgyzstan National Hat Day
Blah Blah Blah Day
Quitters Day
National Paranormal Day
Hobbit Day
Look for Circles Day
Thumb Appreciation Day
National Handcuff Day
Everything You Think Is Wrong Day (DEI founded on this day)
Middle Name Pride Day

DEI Thinks These Are The Days To Recognize

Bruce Doneux Appointed To DEI

DEI now has two people to not show up for any meetings. How’s that for “screwed up”?

Peake appointed Bruce Doneux, a 76-year-old massage therapist who’s lived in Pacific Grove for four decades, to the task force, and Kim Bui, the DEI’s current chair.

At a PGUSD board meeting last October, Doneux told trustees that racial bias in Pacific Grove should be addressed by White people “getting together and figuring out why we’re so screwed up,” before he promoted a local group called Whites for Racial Equity,

Bruce Doneux Appointed To DEI

Call For DEI Task Force Gets Crickets

Can’t think of anything else to divide people over?

The Mayor of Pacific Grove said the city is extending the deadline for residents to apply for seats on its boards, commissions and committees.

Regarding the DEI task force, one position has been unfilled for months while two other spots will become open when terms for chair Kim Bui and vice chair Nadja Mark expire in January. The task force has had an especially difficult t time retaining members. In January, two new people were appointed to serve until 2025, but they were both gone by August,

Call For DEI Task Force Gets Crickets

DEI Comes Up With A List Of Special Days To Recognize

The DEI committee is still just an idiotic waste of time even without the bitter, hateful Tina Rau. Disagree with them and you can be called a Nazi.

A draft of the calendar identifies widely recognized
religious holidays observed in the United States such as
Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah and Yom Kippur. It also
includes dates important to Buddhism and Islam, along
with lesser known events and religions, such as Zartosht
No-Diso, which honors the prophet of Zoroastrianism —
a religion estimated to have a mere 120,000 followers
“By no means is this calendar extensive. How can it
be?” Mark said Wednesday, later adding that she didn’t
think there “could ever be too many items on it.”

So I’ve researched a bit and came up with more diverse and equitable holidays to put on the calendar.

A’Phabet Day or No “L” Day
Alien Abduction Day
Barbie-in-a-Blender Day
Blah Blah Blah Day
Call of the Horizon Day
Clashing Clothes Day
Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day
Create a Great Funeral Day
Curmudgeons Day
Do a Grouch a Favor Day
Dumbstruck Day
Everything You Think Is Wrong Day (DEI founded on this day)
Extraterrestrial Culture Day
False Confession Day
Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales
Fill Our Staplers Day
Gorilla Suit Day
Haunted Refrigerator Night
Hawaiian Shirt Day
Hobbit Day
Hurray for Buttons Day
Invite an Alien to Live with You Day
Jump Over Things Day
Keep Off the Grass Day
Kyrgyzstan National Hat Day
Look for Circles Day
Measure Your Feet Day
Middle Name Pride Day
My Way Day (A favorite of DEI members)
National Bad Poetry Day
National Big Forehead Day
National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
National Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
National Emo Day
National Griper’s Day
National Handcuff Day
National I LOVE My feet Day
National Lumpy Rug Day
National Name Your Car Day
National Paranormal Day
National Reach As High As You Can Day
National Rubber Eraser Day
National Ugly Truck Contest Day
No Socks Day
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day
Quitters Day
Send an Electronic Greeting Card Day
Sock Monkey Day
Stay Away From Fresno Day
Take it in the Ear Day
Talk Like William Shakespeare Day
Thumb Appreciation Day

DEI Comes Up With A List Of Special Days To Recognize

City Council Fires Tina Rau

No to Tina Rau and other divisive applicants. Don’t forget.

Resident Carol Marquart at the Jan. 9 meeting echoed a growing number of residents’ concerns that the DEI task force is only inclusive and accepting of citizens who are in lockstep with its goals, and she called for new members to replace the incumbents.

“I’d like to see a new group of people with the same passion that you have — only less divisive,” Marquart said at the meeting.

For example, after it was discovered late last year that Rau had mocked Catholics and other Christians in a Twitter post, Rau doubled down on the comment and initially refused to apologize. Her task force colleagues also refused at first to condemn the anti-Christian comments — which some called hypocritical considering the task force promotes “diversity and inclusion.”

City Council Fires Tina Rau