4/2/09 A collision involving a bicyclist at Prescott at Lighthouse.
4/2/09 MPD documented a civil issue in the 500 block of Lighthouse.
4/2/09 GONZALES, GAUDENCIO was arrested for defrauding an innkeeper in the 700 block of Cannery Row.
4/2/09 BLAND, JAMES IVAN was cited for possession of an open container of alcohol at Foam and Dickman.
4/2/09 FRONDA, ROLAND was arrested for Possession of Marijuana for sales and Transportation of Marijuana for sales at Lighthouse & Reeside.
4/3/09 A vehicle was towed at David and Laine for expired registration.
4/3/09 An injury collision at Cannery Row and Prescott.
4/4/09 JEWETT, DANIEL was arrested for public intoxication at Prescott and Lighthouse.
4/4/09 MPD towed a vehicle from the 600 block of Pine for blocking the roadway.
4/4/09 CRUM, JASON ROBERT was arrested for public intoxication at The British Bulldog Pub.
4/5/09 ARBELBIDE, BERNARD MARTIN, was arrested for DUI at Hawthorne and Drake.
4/6/09 LULEY, CHADRICK was cited for illegally camping on the Rec Trail South of the Coast Guard Pier.
4/6/09 A victim reports a burglary to his residence in the 800 block of Lottie.
4/7/09 JEWETT, DANIEL and LEDFORD, CARL were both cited and released for Trespassing in the 700 block of Lighthouse.
4/8/09 A victim reports a burglary to his vehicle in the 500 block of Archer.
4/8/09 A non-injury collision at Lighthouse & Prescott.
4/8/09 A victim reports a vandalism to his vehicle in the 200 Laine.
4/9/09 A hit and run in the 800 block of Wave.
4/10/09 SCHAFER, KENNETH was cited for an outstanding warrants at the Rec Trail & David Ave.
4/12/09 REYNOLDS, SARAH was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and or drugs at Lighthouse and Second.
4/13/09 MPD documented graffiti at Reeside and Foam.
4/14/09 CHP was aided in the recovery of a stolen vehiclein the 800 block of Lighthouse.
4/14/09 A non-injury collision at Lighthouse & Private Bolio.
4/15/09 JEWETT, DANIEL was cited for camping at the Senior Center, 280 Dickman.
4/15/09 WILLE, STEPHEN was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs at Foam and Hoffman.
4/15/09 MPD documented found property in the 800 block of Wave.
4/15/09 A non-injury collision at Cannery Row and David.
4/15/09 A hit and run in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
4/17/09 A non-injury collision at Dickman and Lighthouse.
4/17/09 A victim reports the theft of a vehicle in the 800 block of Lighthouse.
4/18/09 A victim reports a burglary to her vehicle in the 700 block of Wave.
4/18/09 STEVENS, CRAIG was arrested for an outstanding warrant in the 600 block of Taylor.
4/20/09 JEWETT, DANIEL was found to be in violation of his probation for being found at Prescott and Lighthouse.
4/20/09 A victim reports the theft of items in the 700 block of Cannery Row.
4/21/09 A victim reports a burglary to her vehicle in the 500 block of David.
4/21/09 JEWETT, DANIEL was cited for possession of an open container of alcohol at David and Wave.
4/22/09 MPD documented graffiti at Foam & Drake.
4/22/09 A victim reports a vandalism to her residence in the 600 block of Prescott.
4/22/09 A victim reports a vandalism to her vehicle in the 600 block of Prescott.
4/23/09 LEDFORD, CARL HADDEN JR was cited for open container in public in the 600 block of Wave. .
4/23/09 A victim reports a vandalism to her vehicle in the 2200 block of David.
4/23/09 MPD documented graffiti in the 500 block of Foam St.
4/24/09 A victim reports a burglary to their business in the 700 block of Foam.
4/24/09 MPD documented graffiti in the 600 block of Cannery Row.
4/24/09 LAMB ALAN was arrested for a parole violation in the 600 block of Lighthouse.
4/24/09 TALISTU, SHAANI was cited for driving on a suspended license at Lighthouse & McClellan.
4/25/09 MPD towed a vehicle in the 700 block of Wave for the 3K Just Run.
4/25/09 MADUENO, JACOBO, MADUENO, JORGE were arrested for public intoxication in the 400 block of Cannery Row.
4/26/09 GHAFFARI, NASEEM was arrested for DUI at Lighthouse & Irving.
4/25/09 MADUENO, JORGE was cited for an outstanding warrant in the 400 block of Cannery Row.
4/27/09 JEWITT, DANIEL was issued a citation for possession of less than one ounce of Marijuana at 601 Wave.
4/29/09 A victim reports the theft of items from her vehicle in the 500 block of Lighthouse.
4/29/09 REYNOLDS, LARRY was cited for consuming alcohol in public on the recreation trail at Bruce Ariss Way.
4/29/09 An injury collision in the 400 block of Lighthouse.
Monthly Archives: April 2009
Council Turns Mvsevm Over To Packards
Giving away our Mvsevm. Worst. Leaders. Ever.
A letter of intent to transfer operation of the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History to a nonprofit foundation was approved 5-2 Wednesday by the City Council.
The letter was endorsed unanimously April 21 by the Pacific Grove Museum Advisory Board and calls for transferring operation of the museum to the nonprofit Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove Inc.
The foundation has proposed a public-private partnership with the city in which the museum building, collection and grounds would be leased to the foundation for a 15-year period starting July 1.
The letter came with a list of add-on proposals, which dissenting council members Carmelita Garcia and Alan Cohan said were too one-sided.
April Out Of Business Round Up
The Handmaiden is sew gone.
Gone To Paris is Gone Too
Over in New Monterey, Nevada Bob packed up and went back to Winnemucca.
One Perpetual Going Out Of Business store maintains is presence for the last two years. Only 26 days left. Do they really mean it?
The other Perpetual Going Out Of Business has not put up any signs stating it yet, but it appears that the landlord knows it already.
The Truth Is Way Out There
According to the sheriff’s log, a deputy took a report Monday from an Elkhorn resident who was upset that someone entered his unlocked spaceship and ransacked the vehicle.
Fortunately, the log noted dryly, “Nothing was missing, and there was no damage to the laser gun.”
But the truth about the unusual crime was neither “out there” nor inside the troubled mind of a deluded spaceship owner.
Cmdr. Mike Richards said he discovered the prank after a reporter requested more information about the spaceship burglary.
Tree Ordinance Sent Back To Morons
Admin was recently sent a postcard about a missing tree or two. But it’s missing the target like so many other things the city aims at. The letter is addressed to “Homeowner” at the intended address. Nice gesture, but the homeowner does not live there.
The ordinance was last reviewed 4½ years ago, said committee Vice Chairman Thom Akeman, and the current version was adopted by the City Council in September 2007.
Resident Georgia Booth, who was issued a tree removal permit and crossed swords with Akeman during his compliance inspection of her property last fall, said she has found two versions of the ordinance online, with strikeouts and additions. Others who attended the committee meeting said they didn’t have computers in their homes and needed printed copies.
In The Navy
Judge Rules Against Forest Hill Manor
Remember when 6 people sued to move into the same cottage? The city won. Must be crowded in that cottage..
The trial court ruled in support of the city on all counts, stating there was “no evidence” the city “fabricated or otherwise arbitrarily imposed conditions on Forest Hill Manor. The use permit provided for the completion of the project as a whole and a requirement that all conditions be satisfied before the issuance of an occupancy permit.”
Sea Lions Take Over Beaches
Attracting more sharks, no doubt.
As long as the beaches get fenced off to protect them, more and more will keep coming here to give birth. Not unlike dare I say, illegal immigrants.
“As population has grown, they’ve spread out and taken and started using more and more locations around the Monterey Bay Peninsula,” said Jim Watanabe, with Hopkins Marine Station.
Pupping season not only brings more than 300 harbor seals to a 3-mile stretch of shoreline. It brings eager onlookers too.
“I’ve been standing here maybe 20-30 minutes. They’re really fascinating to watch. They’re really cute and their little sounds sound like ‘mom,'” said Sarah Knox, a visitor from Mass.
Giving Away The Mvsevm
15 years until we get it back as a mvsevum,
The letter to interim city manager Charlene Wiseman from Jason Burnett, president of the Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove Inc., proposes a public-private partnership between the city and the foundation in which the museum building, collection and grounds would be leased to the foundation for a 15-year period beginning July 1.
Burnett said the foundation believes that the museum “should continue to be a major cultural, educational and productive asset for the citizens of our area and our business community”
Revenue – Burglar Alarm Fees
Palo Alto is collecting $250 for late filed burglar alarm permits. For a city that not only fails to collect from businesses that park all day long in 2 hour spots, does P.G. even collect alarm fees?
Art Sklaroff is one of more than a dozen residents who showed up for an administrative hearing earlier this month to contest the fine, which he said came without warning. Like the others, he explained that he had been renewing his mandatory $35 permit each year, but forgot this year because he didn’t receive the city’s usual courtesy reminder.
Like each of the others, he was told that it was no excuse. The rules are the rules.