Downtown Departed

Called citizens Morons. Substainable Pusher. Runaway Mayor. That’s what I remember most.

Dan Cort Dozing


Cort was a successful mayor, Gorman said, because he was able to balance the interests of residents, business owners and environmentalists. “Dan was a gentleman in the true sense of the word gentleman,” he said. Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce President Moe Ammar, who knew Cort well, said he was great with people. “As a business leader, he was pro-business and supported the town by shopping locally,” Ammar said. “Some of his biggest accomplishments included attracting the farmers market to P.G., funding the city’s museum and chamber of commerce, and supporting the city’s lease with the Monterey Bay Aquarium.”

Downtown Departed

Downtown Aerodome – Stockton Changes Airport Name To Fool Tourists

Stockton Dangerous City

Runaway Mayor’s roost looking to escape it’s blighted image thinks by adding “San Francisco” to its airport name will attract the foolish tourists looking for the Golden Gate only to be stranded in Stockton.

Chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime in Stockton are 1 in 74. In S.F. it is 1 in 127.

P.G. is ahead of the game, years ago they tried hanging to Pebble Beach’s pay for the pavement fame with “17 Mile Drive —> signs on every corner.

So San Joaquin County is now considering adding “San Francisco” to its airport’s name, and not only that, SF gets top billing.

If the county Board of Supervisors approves the rebranding Tuesday, it’s goodbye boring “Stockton Metropolitan Airport,” hello glamorous “San Francisco Stockton Regional Airport.”

Downtown Aerodome – Stockton Changes Airport Name To Fool Tourists

Downtown Reave Around – Stockton Parking Meters Robbed

Runaway Mayor’s success story city still not the image of success.

Wanted for questioning:
Cool Hand Luke

City police eventually solved that case when they found the severed heads piled up in a homeless camp and made an arrest.

Now they’re releasing surveillance images of the latest suspected parking meter pilferer.

“We believe he is transient. He does frequent the downtown area, but hopefully once this photograph gets blasted out on the news tonight we’ll be able to figure out exactly who he is,” said Stockton Officer Joseph Silva.

Not only is this trend of thefts disturbing, t’s also costly for the city of Stockton.

Each topless meter represents about $800 worth of replacement fees, installation fees and missing revenue.

Just multiply that by the 682 that have been sliced off with pipe cutters or pried off in the last year and the cost adds up to almost $546,000.

Downtown Reave Around – Stockton Parking Meters Robbed

FOX40 News

Downtown Defalcator – Stockton Mayor Arrested For Theft From Kids’ Club

Runaway Mayor’s Stockton peer gets new charges.

Silva, 42, was transported to the San Joaquin County Jail, where he was held in lieu of $1 million bail. He faces grand jury charges of grand theft, embezzlement, profiteering, misappropriation of public funds and money laundering. A white-collar crime enhancement was imposed on all charges, which indicates a “pattern of related felony conduct” and the theft of more than $100,000.

Silva’s attorney said the allegations may be retaliation after the former mayor beat back a felony charge in a previous case in which Silva was accused of using a cell phone to secretly record a strip poker game in his bedroom at a city-run youth camp for underprivileged children. Authorities also alleged that Silva made alcohol available during the game. One of the participants was a 16-year-old boy

Downtown Defalcator – Stockton Mayor Arrested For Theft From Kids’ Club

Downtown Deviant – Stockton Mayor Arrested For Strip Poker With Teen Boys

Suspect Mayor plugged our own Runaway Mayor’s book.

Stockton Mayor

Stockton Mayor Anthony Silva was arrested Thursday on charges that he supplied alcohol to underage counselors at a city-run youth camp in El Dorado National Forest and surreptitiously recorded a group of young people — including a 16-year-old boy — playing strip poker in Silva’s bedroom at the camp in August 2015.

Amador County prosecutors said Thursday that the FBI had retrieved 23 photographs and four video clips from his phone — images they said revealed things that had happened at the camp the previous month.
Prosecutors said witnesses at the camp informed FBI agents that Silva had given alcohol to the participants in the strip poker game, who were all under the age of 21, including a 16-year-old boy.

Downtown Deviant – Stockton Mayor Arrested For Strip Poker With Teen Boy

Stockton California Falls

Are Morons in charge?


The city of nearly 300,000 people has become emblematic of government excess and the financial calamity that resulted when the nation’s housing bubble burst.

Its salaries, benefits, and borrowing were based on anticipated long-term developer fees and increasing property tax revenue. But those were lost in a flurry of foreclosures beginning in the mid-2000s and a 70 percent decline in the city’s tax base

Pacific Grove’s Runaway Mayor wrote a whole book about taking vacant business buildings and turning them into government offices in Stockton. Buy the book, you may learn some lessons in it like more government waste may not be good.

Stockton California Falls (The Blaze)

Dan Cort: Runaway Mayor, Mvsevm Director and Preservator

Dan Cort Bailn Like Palin

Preservating? Sounds like something dirty one would do in vacant buildings over in Stockton.

Dan Cort Preservating

DAN CORT, Director

Home: Pacific Grove
Business Background: CEO of the Cort Companies; preservating and renovating historic real estate in Northern California for the past 30 years

Dan Cort: Runaway Mayor, Mvsevm Director and Preservator

Thanks to Esther for the tip

Dan Cort’s Stockton Properties Highlighted As “Blight”

The Runaway Mayor that tried to ru(i)n P.G. according to his plans in Stockton appears to have failed there too…

Esther writes in –

If you watch this segment from NBC Nightly News, you’ll see a very nice story about a young man trying to rescue his hometown of Stockton. Watch carefully: near the end, they flash on some of the town’s squalor to make a point about urban decay. I have isolated one shot:

Cortco For Sale

It’s obvious that Kampe’s intended policies are a rehash of Cort’s–it looks like the reservoir is coming out of hibernation.

If you want to see the whole segment, here’s the info:

Young Stockton politician tries to make a difference

At 22 years old, Michael Tubbs, has just become the youngest member of Stockton, California’s city council. He and his supporters talk about how he got there, what lessons he learned growing up and how he hopes to reinvent his hometown and make the community proud

Dan Cort’s Stockton Properties Highlighted As “Blight”

Runaway Mayor Reappears To Save Us

Save us from water shortages as he turns cheek and runs away from the desalination supporters. What about a new dam on the Carmel river? Voters supported that way before any other money wasting projects.

Dan Cort Bailn Like Palin

Option 1, pipeline:

For $25 million, we could build a pipeline from the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency plant back to the communities on the Peninsula, where this water originates. MRWPCA treats all the sewage that comes from the cities of Pacific Grove and Monterey. Once the water is treated, it is used to irrigate about 12,000 acres of Salinas farmland, then approximately 10,000 acre-feet is emptied into Monterey Bay.

A pipeline can deliver that wasted water back to the golf courses, parks and public areas of the Peninsula.

Option 2, gray water:

Our communities have the option to mandate that all residents make use of gray water. Our county Health Department and most of our Peninsula cities support the use of gray water, which uses recycled water from showers and sinks to flush toilets and irrigate our gardens. A residential retrofit costs less than $2,000 per household and can save upward of 30 percent of water use in a normal home.

Option 3, David Avenue Reservoir:
A huge untapped asset is the David Avenue Reservoir. This phenomenal resource, built in 1897 by Chinese immigrants, served Pacific Grove and New Monterey for decades.

Runaway Mayor Reappears To Save Us

Tree Removal Reform

Remember the lady that Dan Cort called ‘moron’ over challenging the tree policy?

They argue that the city’s authority to regulate tree planting should be limited to the public spaces it owns and maintains: greenbelts and parks.

“From Eardley to First,” said resident Michael Clark, “is a solid hedge of trees. One of the treasures of the city is its views.”

Michael Clark is a bit blind – a low row of neatly trimmed oaks and one lopped eucalyptus fill the strip between those streets. Is Clark referring to the views of trees or the view from his vinyl clad windows?

Bobbit Tree


Tree Removal Reform