Newcomer Akeman Wants Less Newcomers

I felt the same way 30 years ago when Ache-man the news reporter moved here and wrote articles and later an instruction manual for moving to the area. The man does not realize he’s been part of the problem all along,

Tom Acheman

“There are times it’s like living in an airport terminal,” Thom Akeman says of the sounds of rolling luggage and loud voices of vacationers on his street located near downtown. Akeman served on a subcommittee that advised the city before last year’s revision, but he says residents’ concerns were not adequately considered.

Newcomer Akeman Wants Less Newcomers

Freeloader Sheltering Not Going To Cannery Row

Problem is that the bums already disregard responsibility by living their chosen lifestyle. Maintaining any home requires responsibility. Attracting more bums will kill the golden egg laying goose.

Prior to Tuesday’s meeting, commercial parcels in the Lighthouse/Foam/Cannery Row area and all of Monterey’s Oak Grove neighborhood and parts of Casanova Oak Knoll, Del Monte, Del Monte Beach and Villa Del Monte neighborhoods were under consideration.


Public comment on Tuesday also centered on excluding the R3 district with one Laguna Grande resident noting the heavy impact that area is already experiencing from the homeless.

Glenwood neighborhood representative Lee Whitney said residents there were also putting out fires — both figuratively and literally — from the homeless population.

Comments like these came amid other comments about the Peninsula’s overall homeless epidemic and warnings to city officials that housing is but one ingredient to a real solution.

Freeloader Sheltering Not Going To Cannery Row

Coast Guard Faces Budget Cuts

US Coast Guard


With the possibility of a hobbled Coast Guard on the Central Coast, local entities that have relied on the guard in the past may have to adjust their expectations.

“We utilize them but not on a routine basis,” said Sean James, the public safety superintendent for the California State Parks’ Monterey District.

“Monterey or Pacific Grove might put in a request where the Coast Guard is not available to respond,” said James.

There might be times when the State Parks’ rescue swimmers would be called in because a Coast Guard boat was not available. Water rescues in the Cannery Row, Point Pinos and Moss Landing areas benefit from the presence of the guard close by.

Coast Guard Faces Budget Cuts

Unelected Socialists Controlling What You Can Buy

Hands off my stale beer used on the snails.

A group of area activists are expected to gather at Pacific Grove’s Butterfly Sanctuary on Tuesday in defense of the birds, bees, monarchs and visitors that frequent the refuge to observe them.

They’ll be on hand for a press conference and rally starting at 3:30 p.m. in an effort to call attention to the effects of toxic pesticides and insecticides and to make a plea to local nurseries and hardware stores to remove such products from their shelves.

Unelected Socialists Controlling What You Can Buy

Horse Rescue Charity Said To Be A Scam

It’s believed that the Gregorys are from Fresno. The “charity” has a Carmel Post Office Box for an address.

Fresno Connection

Matthew G. Gregory, his wife, Danella J. Gregory, and their adult children, Matthew J. Gregory and Gina D. Gregory, operate Central Coast Equine Rescue and Retirement (CCERR) and Wounded Warriors Support Group (WWSG), Becerra said.

“CCERR and WWSG run raffles purportedly to support veterans and horses, but instead spend the donated proceeds for personal use,” the AG’s Office wrote in a press release.

Personal uses included spending $10,000 at a hunting store, buying cars, shopping at Victoria’s Secret and Nordstrom, paying off personal credit card debts, traveling, and restaurant bills, according to the lawsuit.

Horse Rescue Charity Said To Be A Scam

Shoreline Paths: You’ll Walk The Way We Want You To

Forget going off the beaten path. Makes room for the John Denver Memorial RV Park.John Denver Rv Park

On Wednesday, the city will look to approve an agreement for the construction of its Great Tide Pools Trails project. In the session right before the meeting, council members will go on a field trip to the Great Tide Pools area which is adjacent to the corner of Lighthouse Avenue and Sunset Drive. It’s in the area that Dan Gho, director of public works, refers to as the Rocky Shores area. There council members will get an overview of where the boardwalk, pathway and walkways are to be constructed.

Shoreline Paths: You’ll Walk The Way We Want You To

Bums Get To Stay In Monterey’s Best Areas

Yall voted for the people that enact these laws, enjoy what you get.

the city has no choice but to designate such a district soon in order to be in compliance with Senate Bill 2. The bill mandates that a city’s zoning encourages and facilitates emergency shelters and limits their denial.

The last time Monterey resident Elaine MacDonald lived near a homeless services program she said she witnessed loitering, received some unwelcome gawking and often found drug paraphernalia in her front yard. It was enough to make the single mother stay inside and keep her children there, too.

Areas now in consideration for the overlay include commercial parcels in the Lighthouse/Foam/Cannery Row area, general parcels downtown along Tyler and Washington Streets and to Lake El Estero, as well as above City Hall and additional areas along Del Monte Avenue, Cass Street and Munras Avenue. All of Monterey’s Oak Grove neighborhood and parts of Casanova Oak Knoll, Del Monte, Del Monte Beach and Villa Del Monte neighborhoods are also under consideration, as are the industrial zoning areas of Garden Road, Ryan Ranch and along Highway 68.

Bums Get To Stay In Monterey’s Best Areas

Nothing To See Here, Move Along

Would be interesting to review the site with modern science. But what do I know? Climate Change was supposed to put the are under water 30 years ago and the Mvsevm Of Natural History is now an art gallery.

An archaeological site first discovered in the 1930s at Lovers Point and recently exposed to the elements by the fierce winter storms that hit the Peninsula, is set to be covered up again as early as this week.
covered in 1935 by a student named Anne Fisher who conducted an amateur survey around the Peninsula and noted nearly 100 archaeological sites. It has been known in the archaeological community ever since.

Nothing To See Here, Move Along

The Fire Station Horn by Phil Bowhay

Whenever an empty cannery was on fire, that horn seemed to be endless to me.

PG Fire One

The horn was part of the fine volunteer tradition in Pacific Grove. We all had posted in our homes the code telling the approximate location of the fire. “One, One, Three” Forest and Lighthouse, and there was a chalkboard in front of the station with the address of the blaze

The Fire Station Horn by Phil Bowhay