Letters From The Editor – Tom Pollacci

Herald Hear-old


The Herald’s depiction of Pollacci is more of a crime than anything else, because it creates hype and scares people who may not know him.

I knew him, wish I didn’t.


Let not the sins of the son reflect on the goodness of the family.

I have lived in Pacific Grove all my life. I have gone to school with the Pollacci family and attended social events with them. They are a fine, upstanding family.

A fine upstanding family that employed a registered sex offender. Oxymoron.

With All Of P.G.’s Problems Solved, Council Considers Allowing Walkers On Bike Path

Bicycle Crash In the Past

I remember getting scolded by the cyclist in the Tam O’Shanter hat when I would stray onto the blacktop to shield my kids from the speeding bikes.

This was not passed.

The city council on Wednesday could pass the first reading of an ordinance to make the bike path and trail and multi-use area.

According to the city, members of the Traffic Commission have observed conflicts between pedestrians and bicyclists over who belongs where. The city’s staff reports says there is an “expectation on the part of the bicyclists that the paved portion is exclusive to bicycles when in fact, by custom and practice, this has been a shared use trail.”

With All Of P.G.’s Problems Solved, Council Considers Allowing Walkers On Bike Path

New Monterey Police Blotter – March 2009

3/1/09 Citizen 400 block of Belden, reports the theft of his blue 1992 Honda Accord.

3/1/09 Citizen reports the theft of her red blackberry Curve cellphone while at the Aquarium

3/1/09 MPD investigated suspicious circumstances at a business in the 300 block of Lighthouse, where the rear door to the business was found open incident to an alarm call at same location.

3/3/09 Traffic accident on southbound Lighthouse outside the South bore of the tunnel.

3/3/09 Citizen reports hearing three possible gun shots in the 400 Block of Spencer.

3/4/09 Manager of Carrow’s Restaurant located at 300 David, reports three (3) unknown adults and two (2) children to have fled the business without paying.

3/6/09 MONTEREY PUBLIC WORKS reports graffiti to the telephone control pedestal located in the 100 block of Drake.

3/7/09 Citizen 600 block of Spencer reports his passenger window broken to his Nissan Titan and items were removed.

3/7/09 Citizen reports unknown to have struck and damaged her vehicle while parked in the 600 block of Lighthouse.

3/7/09 AXIOM HOME THEATRE 501 Lighthouse had unknown break windows in two of their work vans while parked in the parking lot at Hawthorne and Irving.

3/7/09 ALLIE, ANTHONY was issued a citation for driving on a suspended license and failing to obey signs in the 600 block of Hawthorne.

3/7/09 TORRES, ANNA was issued a citation for possessing less than one ounce of marijuana in the 600 block of Hawthorne.

3/7/09 Citizen reports his silver 1998 Ford Mustang to have been burglarized while parked at Pine and Drake.

3/9/09 Alan LAMB, James KING, and Daniel JEWETT were all cited for being in possession of less than one ounce of marijuana in the 700 block of Lighthouse.

3/10/09 MPD documented graffiti in the mens room at the Cannery Row Garage bathroom.

3/11/09 Citizen reported finding a black HP laptop in the 700 blk of Lighthouse on 3-10 at 1800 hrs.

3/13/09 Citizen reports minor injuries from falling on the sidewalk near 660 Cannery Row.

3/14/09 Citizen fell from her bicycle at David & Rec Trail.

3/15/09 ROVEDA, ROBERT was arrested for public intoxication at Prescott and Hawthorne.

3/15/09 UNGER, JESSE ALAN was cited for possession of marijuana less than one ounce while driving, no insurance, and expired registration at Lighthouse and Reeside.

3/16/09 TORRES, ANDREW was arrested for public intoxication in the 600 block of Lighthouse.

3/16/09 HAN, TRAVIS was cited for an outstanding warrant at Lighthouse and Hoffman.

3/16/09 MONTGOMERY, JAMES was arrested for possession of a dangerous weapon on HWY 68.

3/17/09 HUNTER, MICHAEL was arrested for an outstanding at Prescott and Cypress.

3/17/09 REYNOLDS, LARRY GENE was cited for open container at Bruce Ariss Way and the Rec Trail.

3/17/09 REYNOLDS, LARRY GENE was cited for drinking in public at Bruce Ariss Way and the Rec Trail.

3/18/09 MPD documented a fight in the 200 block of Lighthouse

3/18/09 CHRISTIAN, BYRON, and JACQUES, SUZANNE were cited for camping at the San Carlos Beach.

3/18/09 MPD documented an altercation in the 600 block of Lighthouse.

3/19/09 ALCAREZ, KING was cited for having less than one ounce of marijuana in his vehicle at Prescott and Pine.

3/19/09 MPD documented graffiti at Coast Guard Pier.

3/20/09 MPD documented graffiti at San Carlos Beach.

3/21/09 CHRISTIAN BYRON was arrested for battery on a police officer on the beach behind the 600 block of Cannery Row.

3/21/09 A victim reports the theft of items from his unlocked vehicle at Wave and Cannery Row.

3/21/09 A victim reports a burglary to her vehicle in the 400 block of Lighthouse.

3/23/09 MAGANA, ROBERT was arrested for public intoxication in the 700 block of Cannery Row.

3/26/09 A victim reports a vandalism in the 600 block of Lighthouse.

3/26/09 RODRIGUES, RICHARD was cited for an outstanding warrant in the 700 block of Parcel.

3/27/09 LEA, IAN was arrested for trespassing in the 800 block of Belden.

3/27/09 MPD towed a vehicle from McClellan and Hawthorne for expired registration.

3/27/09 JEWETT, DANIEL and REYNOLDS, LARRY were arrested for public intoxication at Prescott and Lighthouse.

3/27/09 MPD documented graffiti in the 600 block of Wave.

3/27/09 EVANS, RICHARD was arrested for public intoxication in the 600 block of Cannery Row.

3/28/09 COMPAGNO, KERRI was issued a citation for selling alcohol to a minor at 2000 Prescott (Compagno’s).

3/28/09 A victim reports being battered in the 700 block of Lighthouse.

3/29/09 MPD documented lost property the 100 Block of Cannery Row.

3/30/09 A victim reports the theft of items in the 800 block of Laine.

3/30/09 A victim reports a vandalism in the 700 block of Wave.

New Monterey Police Blotter – March 2009

P.G. Sales Tax Hits 9.25%

Obama lied.

In two days, sales tax goes up one percent in California to help bring more money to the state. That means depending on the city, taxes will range from 8.25% to 10.25%.

Basically, the tax increases one cent on every dollar you spend. For example, if you want to buy a car that costs $20,000, after April 1, you will have to pay an additional $200 in sales tax.

Most cities in Monterey County will have an 8.25% sales tax. Some exceptions include Salinas where the sales tax will be higher at 8.75% and Pacific Grove at 9.25%. In Santa Cruz County, the city of Santa Cruz has the highest sales tax in the area at 9.5%. In San Benito County, Hollister has a 9.25%, same as nearby Gilroy.

Sales Taxes in the vicinity:

Pacific Grove 9.25%
Pebble Beach8 8.25%
Carmel 8.25%
Monterey 8.25%
Seaside 9.25
Sand City 8.75
Marina 8.25%
Salinas 8.75%
Prundale 8.25%

P.G. Sales Tax Hits 9.25%

Farmers Market Is Ruining Downtown, So Say The Store Owners

PG Farmers Market81108

Normally very vocal and visible, Ron’s Liquor owner David Pollacci, a chairman on the Pacific Grove Chamber Of Commerce is oddly silent in this round of Farmers Market debates.

Known as America’s Last Hometown, Pacific Grove was one of the only towns on the Central Coast without a farmers market until nine months ago. It took the city a lengthy year and a half to open the market because of upset business owners wanting the city to consider another location and some didn’t want the market at all in fear that it would drive customers away. Some local businesses are closing their doors for good saying that the 55 days a year that the street is closed is causing them to lose a significant amount of business and they can no longer afford to keep their doors open.

Farmers Market Is Ruining Downtown, So Say The Store Owners

Obama’s Re-Education Camp Comes To Salinas

Camp tucaitao004
picture from freerepublic.com

Democrats are looking to continue a wave of support following the November elections; along with pushing for the Obama federal economic stimulus plan, state Democrats are asking for a backing of a package of ballot measures facing voters in a special election in May. The ballot measures call for a number of changes to California budget policy, following the passage of a belated state budget in February.

“We need to move this state forward we can’t be last in schools, education,” said Shawn Bagley, Central Coast Regional Director. “When I grew up (California) was first in everything–what on earth happened?”

What happened? We sent Sam “the sham” Farr, Babs “checkbouncer” Boxer & Nancy “on  a jet plane” Pelosi to Washington. Decades of Democrat control, that’s what happened.

Obama’s Re-Education Camp Comes To Salinas

Farmers’ Market to Moooooove?

Farm Cow

free coloring pages

The farmers market on Lighthouse Avenue really has not grown since it’s beginning. There’s only so much demand for tomatoes or the sparse offerings of P.G. residents. Maybe if we had more chickens in town there would be an egg booth. Solid Fact: There are not many farmers in P.G. It’s a town of vacant vacation homes and people too busy to walk to town every week in search of carrots.

Change the location & change the format and it might take off. Then the cranky downtown store owners would complain that the market is taking away all the shoppers from downtown.

“Pacific Grove on a Monday afternoon before the Farmers Market was empty: parking everywhere, no people on the street, totally dead,” she says. “With the Farmers Market, there are definitely more cars around.”

The subcommittee will meet over the next few months to explore alternative market locations, including the parking lot behind the Holman building (on Lighthouse and Grand Avenue) and the lot below Pepper’s (on Forest Avenue at Lighthouse), Valuch says.

Meanwhile, in an effort to draw more traffic in the typically sluggish chilly season, Peppard wants to invite vendors from all of Monterey County to participate in the “non-certified” (prepared foods and crafts) section of the market.

Farmers’ Market – Moooooove?

Colossus Of Gold Statue & Artist Together At Last

Cog House Cog Gone

The new owners of the Steinbeck home presented Snick with the inspiration of the comic. The pedestal where the statue stood for many years is now bare.

“I used to make fun of it because it’s the ugliest piece of crap I’ve ever seen,” Farkas says. “Now it’s something of an icon, and I want to save it.”

In 1994 Farkas, a pop artist who works at a P.G. vacuum store, debuted a comic strip in which the statue is hit by lightning and grows to “hideous proportions” to become the “Colossus of Gold,” who rambles through the coastal town of “Specific Groove” lampooning its public figures. Farkas posts the cartoon at Gene’s Barbershop and www.93950.com/cog, and occasionally performs it at P.G. City Council meetings.

Cog House Fence Gone

Colossus Of Gold Statue & Artist Together At Last

Sustainable Pacific Grove: Restricting Your Right To Travel Is A Good Thing

It’s a war between the remaining stores on the fast-becoming-a-ghost-town streets and the creepy-hidden-agenda new world order groups.

Two things are right – downtown merchants are not selling much that residents want, and the farmers market is fairly dull.

While merchants generally spoke in favor of moving the market venue, representatives of Sustainable Pacific Grove spoke in favor of keeping it at its current location.

“We want it on Lighthouse, and we want Lighthouse closed as often as possible,” said Joy Colangelo of Sustainable Pacific Grove, which claims 430 members.

“Foot traffic will increase downtown profitability,” she said. “Downtown businesses are not selling things we want to buy. They’re unwilling to adapt. That’s why they’re going under.”

If Lighthouse is closed to motor vehicle traffic and becomes a pedestrian mall, Colangelo said, “we’d be the jewel of the county — a quaint, walkable city.”

Substainable Development

Sustainable Pacific Grove: Restricting Your Right To Travel Is A Good Thing

Tom Pollacci Appears In Court

Let’s all feel sorry..

Pollacci was accompanied to his arraignment Tuesday by defense investigator Richard Lee, who wrote a presentence report in the 1993 case describing Pollacci as a spoiled, self-centered man who was guilty of being presumptuous and using poor judgment, but who did not realize he was having sex without consent. According to the report, Pollacci told Lee that he had come to realize through therapy that he never learned any “boundaries” in his life.

“He says, quite frankly, that he was ‘spoiled’ and has long conducted himself as able to do pretty much whatever he pleases.”

Tom Pollacci Appears In Court