Salinas: The Best Place To Live And Most Unaffordable

Highest crime rate in populous cities too.

Citydata Crime Rate

For midsize metros in the U.S., Salinas ranked as the third least affordable city in the country. The cost of housing was 66.5% above average and the overall cost of living was 10.7% above average.

Salinas: The Best Place To Live And Most Unaffordable

Salinas was just ranked as the ninth best place to live in California by U.S. News & World Report.

Salinas: The Best Place To Live And Most Unaffordable

Seong Uk Kang Of P.G. Defrauded Food Stamp Program

Store was “Corner Market” in Salinas.

Kim Hui Young, 68, of Salinas, and her employee, Seong Uk Kang, 56, of Pacific Grove, paid $100,000 in restitution to the Department of Social Services for their participation in illegal food stamp trafficking.

Young and Kang defrauded the program out of thousands of dollars of illegal redemptions by allowing benefit recipients to exchange their CalFresh benefits for cash and other ineligible items.

Seong Uk Kang Of P.G. Defrauded Food Stamp Program

Uh, About All That Tax Revenue From Legal Weed

Looks like it will be less than promised.

In a split vote Tuesday, the Monterey County Board of Supervisors cut marijuana businesses’ tax rates, in some cases by two thirds, said Luis Alejo, the board’s chairman.

Greenhouse growers, who had been staring at a $15-per-square-foot tax, will instead pay $5 per square foot while indoor cultivators will pay $8 a square foot, he said.

Uh, About All That Tax Revenue From Legal Weed

Gun Stolen In P.G. Found At Wharf

At Wharf 2, officers spotted Jonathan Marvel Garate with several other people near a vehicle and approached them. They reportedly found Garate with a handgun that had been reported stolen out of Pacific Grove in November.

Their investigation led them to a home in Seaside, where they conducted a probation search, PRVNT agents said. There they found a 17-year-old young man with an unregistered handgun.

Gun Stolen In P.G. Found At Wharf

Salinas Veggies Recalled

Again and again. Pass the meat please, skip the salad.

Poison Veggies

In January, Mann Packing recalled organic snacking trays over mislabeled ingredients related to the ranch dressing dip. That recall affected five states — Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, New York and Texas, according to FDA records

It followed a similar incident in August 2016, when vegetable trays were recalled from California and 23 other states.

A salmonella scare in May 2011 prompted a national recall of the company’s party trays and snacks-on-the-go items containing grape tomatoes. In that case, however, the tomatoes were traced to a grower in Florida, not Mann Packing, according to industry media reports from the time.

In the current recall, the products were distributed with the brands Archer Farms, HEB, Little Salad Bar, Mann, Mann Culinary Cuts, Mann’s Family Favorites, Mann’s Snacking Favorites, Signatures Farms, Trader Joe’s, Walmart and food services such as Cross Valley Farms, Mann and Sysco Natural.

Pedestrian Accident At Forest & Pine

Cop shop block,

An woman in her 60s was badly injured in a vehicle-pedestrian crash Wednesday night, according to the Pacific Grove Police Department.

Officers responded at approximately 6:20 p.m. to a crash at Pine and Forest avenues where the pedestrian was found lying in the roadway. The victim was taken to a hospital by ambulance and the vehicle’s driver remained on the scene and was cooperative with investigators.

Pedestrian Accident At Forest & Pine

Reason To Skip The Salad #34565346

Testing has pointed toward a vegetable mix from Taylor Farms as the source of E. coli in Costco chicken salad that has been linked to an outbreak that has sickened 19 people in seven states, a Costco official said Wednesday.

Craig Wilson, Costco vice president of food safety and quality assurance, said he was told by the Food and Drug Administration that the strain of E. coli seems to be connected to an onion and celery mix.

The company uses one supplier for those vegetables in the chicken salad sold in all its U.S. stores, Wilson said.

Wilson identified the supplier as Taylor Farms in Salinas.

Reason To Skip The Salad #34565346

E. coli Outbreak In Vegetables From Taylor Farms

Poo salad fixings came from Salinas

Craig Wilson, Costco vice president of food safety and quality assurance, said Wednesday he was told by the Food and Drug Administration that the strain of E. coli seems to be connected to an onion and celery mix.

Wilson identified the supplier as Taylor Farms in Salinas.

E. coli Outbreak In Vegetables From Taylor Farms

Venison Is Low Fat And Calories

Mountain lions can’t be wrong.


In the past week, there have been two reported deer kills and one mountain lion sighting, according to the Pacific Grove Police Department.

The incidents occurred near the golf course and 17 Mile Drive ballpark. Deer frequently graze here and there have been mountain lion sightings in the past.

Venison Is Low Fat And Calories

Gas Pumps Hacked In P.G.

If you must use plastic to buy gas get a dedicated gas company card. With a low limit.

Credit card skimming devices were found at the Shell Gas Station, 1201 Forest Ave., according to the Pacific Grove Police Department.

An investigation showed the skimmers were placed at approximately 11 p.m. on Tuesday and the pumps were deactivated at that time. It is unknown if any customer information was collected or disseminated by the devices.

The suspects were caught on video surveillance and the investigation is ongoing.

Gas Pumps Hacked In P.G.