And the man charged with DUI was not the injured one…
A Monterey man was seriously injured after his vehicle was hit head-on by a man suspected of driving under the influence Wednesday night, the California Highway Patrol reported.
Officers said Lance Millington, 55, was taken to Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula with major injuries after his vehicle was hit just after 10 p.m. on Holman Highway, west of Scenic Drive.
William Boyd, 55, of Monterey lost control of his eastbound vehicle and swerved into the opposing lane, officers said, striking Millington’s vehicle, which left the roadway and went down a 10-foot embankment.
Boyd was arrested and charged with DUI causing injuries.
DUI Laws as they should be:
First offense – Drivers’ license suspended for life. Vehicle impounded. Can never own a car or get insurance for life. Fine equal to 2 years wages.
Second offense – enabler that gave drunk a car loses the car. Another fine – same rate PLUS add the same fine to the enabler.
Third offense – 10 years in jail.
DUI Causes Major Injuries To Monterey Man