Why Put A Traffic Signal At Skyline & 68?

Are you too timid to stand on the gas and go? Are you driving a weak little car? There is a resting space to make the left from Skyline.

Ed Cavallini, one of the neighbors living near the crash site, said there is a stoplight at the intersection of the entrance into Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula and then not another one until the entrance into Pebble Beach at Morse Drive. That allows cars to accelerate from the CHOMP stoplight to Skyline Forest, a distance of about 0.7 miles.

Why Put A Traffic Signal At Skyline & 68?

Think That Those Measure X Funds Are For Smooth Safe Streets?

Think again. Crosswalks, sidewalks and bike lanes. I thought bike lanes were the same as sidewalks.

Traffic Calming

The City Council on Wednesday unanimously approved the Pacific Grove Highway 68 corridor study and adopted the report’s recommended findings. The yearlong analysis of the city’s major thoroughfare was done to determine how to make it more pedestrian-friendly and suitable for all forms of transportation.

Launched in 2015, the 190-page report looked at ways to improve two streets that are part of the Holman Highway route through Pacific Grove; Forest Avenue from the city limit to Sunset Drive and Sunset Drive from Forest Avenue to Asilomar Avenue. Specifically, it addressed ways of implementing bike ways, sidewalks and making crossing improvements.

“It’s a very important opportunity for us to begin improving that corridor and these two streets, Sunset and Forest, to make them serve the community better,” said Councilman Robert Huitt.

Huitt said he hopes for the passage of Measure X, the transportation sales tax, because funding from the measure could help pay for the project.

Think That Those Measure X Funds Are For Smooth Safe Streets?

Highway 68 Tour By A Hack Frisco Writer

Awful whiny story. Calls El Camino Real “The 101” like some sort of LA type. And the pesticides that get into schools – well who builds schools next to a toxic vegetable field?

CA SR 68

I started my own journey at the head of 68, Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds, where rooms were running almost $300 a night. The highway took me first through Pacific Grove, a prosperous village (low unemployment, a median house price north of $700,000, little poverty). I had to turn right to stay on 68 near the gate to 17 Mile Drive, which takes you to world-renowned resorts.

Then I turned northeast, as 68 joined up with Highway 1 for 2 miles, before splitting again near Seaside, not far from where Tesla Motors plans to open a new sales center

On my own drive, I reached Salinas and followed Highway 68 past Salinas High and through downtown to where it ended at the 101.

In Salinas, there is resentment toward the other end of Highway 68. Some ask why Monterey environmentalists don’t fight as hard against pesticides that get into Salinas schools as they do against coastal development. Others complain that Monterey is a magnet for jobs, which relegates Salinas to serving as a place for people who can’t afford to live near their work on the peninsula.

Highway 68 Tour By A Hack Frisco Writer

Presidio Plans Portal On 68 Pikeway

A new entrance, could it help the traffic at Lighthouse & PVT. Bolio?

68 Bw1985

The work, which would include widening Highway 68 near the S.F.B. Morse Gate into Pebble Beach, could cause major traffic problems on the two-lane highway, the document shows.

The new gate, or “access control point” as the Army calls it, would “shift traffic demands” from the DLI’s existing gates and handle more than 700 cars each hour during morning and evening commutes, according to a 2010 Presidio of Monterey traffic study, the EIS shows.

Presidio Plans Portal On Pike

Crash On 68, Get To Da Choppa!

Get To Da Choppa

A 51-year-old Pacific Grove man received major injuries after he lost control of his 2004 Ford Taurus and crashed into two trees on Highway 68 about 5:50 a.m., according to the California Highway Patrol.

The driver was flown to San Jose Regional Medical Center.

Less than a mile away from CHOMP and the guy is airlifted to San Jose? And insurance cost goes up again.

Crash On 68, Get To Da Choppa!

DUI Causes Major Injuries To Monterey Man

And the man charged with DUI was not the injured one…

A Monterey man was seriously injured after his vehicle was hit head-on by a man suspected of driving under the influence Wednesday night, the California Highway Patrol reported.

Officers said Lance Millington, 55, was taken to Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula with major injuries after his vehicle was hit just after 10 p.m. on Holman Highway, west of Scenic Drive.

William Boyd, 55, of Monterey lost control of his eastbound vehicle and swerved into the opposing lane, officers said, striking Millington’s vehicle, which left the roadway and went down a 10-foot embankment.

Boyd was arrested and charged with DUI causing injuries.

DUI Laws as they should be:
First offense – Drivers’ license suspended for life. Vehicle impounded. Can never own a car or get insurance for life. Fine equal to 2 years wages.
Second offense – enabler that gave drunk a car loses the car. Another fine – same rate PLUS add the same fine to the enabler.
Third offense – 10 years in jail.

DUI Causes Major Injuries To Monterey Man

Holman Highway Head On, DUI Suspected

Barry Fahringer, 50, of Monterey was headed west in a Chevy pickup that crossed into an eastbound lane and collided with a car driven by Texas resident Thomas Uiselt and a second car driven by Christina Laufo, 59, of Seaside.

Uiselt, 39, and his wife, Amy, sustained cuts and bruises, while Laufo and her passenger, Naomi Lake, 47, of Marina, received moderate injuries, the CHP reported.

DUI Laws as they should be:
First offense – Drivers’ license suspended for life. Vehicle impounded. Can never own a car or get insurance for life. Fine equal to 2 years wages.
Second offense – enabler that gave drunk a car loses the car. Another fine – same rate PLUS add the same fine to the enabler.
Third offense – 10 years in jail.

Holman Highway Head On, DUI suspected