Honeymoon Couple Rowing From Monterey To Hawaii

This is not a repeat from 2014

Both expect to find some fun in this adventure because, after all, it is their honeymoon.

“As long as we go with the motion of the ocean and not try and fight it, we’ll be okay,” added Riaan. “The boat’s name is Honeymoon, for goodness sake. We’re going to try and have a little bit of a honeymoon before Hawaii.”

Honeymoon Couple Rowing To Hawaii

Monterey To Hawaii In A Rowboat

Not a repeat of last weeks story of paddling to Pupukea, this trip was successful.

Sami Inkinen, the co-founder of real estate search and information site Trulia, and his wife, Meredith Loring, left from Monterey early Wednesday morning, according to Iniken’s post on Twitter.

They’re planning to row the 2,400 miles across the Pacific Ocean to Oahu, in a 20-foot long, 5-foot wood carbon fiber boat named Roosevelt.

They’re hoping their journey helps raise awareness about the risks of sugar consumption and healthy eating. Donations made to their campaign — which they call Fat Chance Row — will go to the nonprofit Institute for Responsible Nutrition at UC San Francisco.

Monterey To Hawaii In A Rowboat