Tidepool Police Will Chase Tourists Away

Some visitors came, enjoyed the beach and attracted the hate from Lee Willoughby. Yep, it is that minority of people going by the name of the Tidepool Coalition that want to fence off the shore and keep us from ever setting foot on a rock again.

I say enjoy it while you can. Global warming is going to put it under water in a few years anyway, right?
Lee Willoughby

. . . have no problem with this sport. But holding this competition in a sensitive area of special biological and archaeological significance adjacent to an irreplaceable rocky intertidal ecosystem is simply incompatible. Furthermore, Pacific Grove already has ordinances protecting its shoreline including the substrate, i.e., rocks.

Pacific Grove’s council must take leadership with the Coastal Commission to preserve these preeminent coastal treasures for future generations. If they won’t do it, then the people will!

Tidepool Police Will Chase Tourists Away