Marina police arrested two more men this week in connection with pornographic pictures of two Monterey County girls.
On Thursday, police arrested Edwin Nath, 26, and Justin Adams, 19, both of Marina,on suspicion of possessing child pornography and related charges, two days after arresting Michael Gruber, 28, also of Marina, on similar charges.
The three men sexually exploited two 14-year-old girls, said Marina police Lt. Rick Janicki.
Police arrested Gruber on Tuesday on suspicion of molesting a minor, transporting obscene material, having material depicting sexual conduct with a minor, and growing, selling and furnishing marijuana to minors, police said.
Nath and Adams were arrested on suspicion of numerous counts of possessing child pornography and trafficking obscene materials.
Adams also was arrested on suspicion of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.