Book Lovers To Do “Whatever They Can” To Fund Library

Ask for more taxes!!

Wonder if they have a backup plan?


A campaign committee in favor of Measure J, a parcel tax to support the Pacific Grove Public Library, was formed late Wednesday after a meeting at the Pacific Grove First United Methodist Church.


Measure J, which would levy a flat $96 tax on each parcel and $75 for each unit of a multi-family residential building, is expected to raise an estimated $630,000 annually from the city’s 6,000 parcels plus apartment units, said city Management and Budget Director Jim Becklenberg.

That alone wouldn’t be enough for 40 hours a week, Headly said.

Think that this added tax will benefit the library only? Wrong. The city will be able to draw money away from the library to fund other things. Say forinstance, sustainable seagull repellent for the roof of city hall.

Monterey Hear-Old, 8/25

“It is a way to set the library up with a base outside of the city’s general fund,” Becklenberg said.


Passage of the measure, he said, could secure the future of the library and provide general fund savings of approximately $400,000 toward the $2 million city budget deficit, since Measure J funding would allow the city to use its regular library budget for other purposes until the budget can be balanced.

Book Lovers To Do “Whatever they can” To Fund Library