Obama’s Re-Education Camp Comes To Salinas

Camp tucaitao004
picture from freerepublic.com

Democrats are looking to continue a wave of support following the November elections; along with pushing for the Obama federal economic stimulus plan, state Democrats are asking for a backing of a package of ballot measures facing voters in a special election in May. The ballot measures call for a number of changes to California budget policy, following the passage of a belated state budget in February.

“We need to move this state forward we can’t be last in schools, education,” said Shawn Bagley, Central Coast Regional Director. “When I grew up (California) was first in everything–what on earth happened?”

What happened? We sent Sam “the sham” Farr, Babs “checkbouncer” Boxer & Nancy “on  a jet plane” Pelosi to Washington. Decades of Democrat control, that’s what happened.

Obama’s Re-Education Camp Comes To Salinas