Is Parking A Real Problem In P.G?

So much that Moe is offering thirty bucks if you get a ticket. What next? Moe should offer free car washes if the gulls poop on your car.

And no matter what the parking enforcement is I see that the 300 block of Fountain remains as all day employee parking.
Parking Fountain

So why the spike in May then? Police said they started sending officers out part-time more that month — mostly in response to complaints from businesses.

Between the two parking enforcement officers, they usually issue anywhere between four and 600 citations per month — for an average of about 6,000 citations per year.

And if that two-hour window isn’t enough for you to do your dining and shopping and you wind up with a parking ticket, Ammar has a solution.

“What we typically do is offer 30 dollars — the cost of a citation — for dinner or lunch anywhere in downtown Pacific Grove,” he said.

Those offers are made on a case by case basis — with proof of your receipt.

Is Parking A Real Problem In P.G?