Parcel Tax School Projects Making DMC Rich

Construction is being completed on a number of projects affecting every school in the district, said Superintendent Ralph G mez Porras. All schools will open on time and campuses will be safe for students, he said.

The projects, financed by the $42 million Measure D bond approved by district voters in 2006, will finish much of the work begun after passage of the 2003 Measure A parcel tax, said assistant superintendent Robin Blakley.

When we were being sold a parcel tax for schools, it was all about warm feel good projects like books and supplies for the children. What we got was teacher furloughs and things I don’t think are so important.

A $7,000,000.00 artificial turf football field
Breaker Stadium 6 Million

A parking lot at PGHS
Dmc PGhs Parking Lot

Offices? Maintenance yard?
Dmc PGms Offices

Administrator Offices?
Measure X PG Sd Offices

This heavy duty sign must cost at least $800 to build and anchor with concrete. That architect is not local.
School Dmc Sign

Parcel Tax School Projects Making DMC Rich

One thought on “Parcel Tax School Projects Making DMC Rich

  1. But now we did new parcel taxes to pay for maintaining these properties, which should maintain themselves by renting them. Which was their original idea.

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