Another DUI Arrest – Tourist Hit By Driver

KSBW is calling it a hit & run.

A Pacific Grove man is in jail after hitting a pedestrian while driving under the influence of alcohol, police said.

Lance Millington, 58, was driving his pickup truck on the 800 block of Ocean View Boulevard when he struck an 82-year-old man.

The Hear-old says he’s 48 and mentions no hit an run. But 6:30 AM? Sheeshe.

Pacific Grove police arrested Lance Millington, 48, and charged him with DUI and causing bodily injury to Texas resident Carlos Broughton in the 800 block of Ocean View Boulevard in Pacific Grove. The accident occurred about 6:30a.m. Friday.

Clownafornian reports:

About 6:30 a.m., police said, Carlos Broughton, 82, of Texas, was struck and left lying in the road at the Sea Palm turnout of Ocean Boulevard. Citizens attended him until emergency crews arrived and he could be taken by ambulance to Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

Is this the same Lance Millington that is the driver for residents of the Park Lane???

From the Park Lane Classic Residence by Hyatt website:

A day in the life of Lance Millington.

9:00 a.m. I begin to take the residents to their doctor and dental appointments in the Lincoln Town Car. We also take them on group shopping trips to various locations on the Peninsula four days a week and on a tour or activity every Friday afternoon. Friday mornings are reserved for cleaning and maintenance of the vehicles.

Lance Millington


And is it the same Lance Millington that was a victim of a DUI two years ago?

Another DUI Arrest – Tourist Hit By Driver

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