Ex Tree Posse Turned Seal Posse Responds To Losin’ Susan

P.G. Newcomer Akeman has a new calling against humans – watching seals and blocking access to the beach.

Acheman Book

I may not know all the definitions of vigilante, but I believe Susan Goldbeck used the term erroneously in a guest commentary in Thursday’s Herald. She was concerned about efforts to protect harbor seals and the babies they have each spring on Pacific Grove beaches.

The city applied its policy this month when the first baby seal in known history was born at Lovers Point. After mom and pup were spotted on Sunday morning, city police asked Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary’s Bay Net docents to provide a human presence at Lovers Point. Public Works brought barricades and yellow tape; the Marine Mammal Center brought signs.

Ex Tree Posse Turned Seal Posse Responds To Losin’ Susan

Humans Or Seals, Who Is Allowed To Block Access To The Beach?

The opposition is watching Losin’ Susan move the Seal Posse’s signs . .

It is curious the city of Pacific Grove, which appears to have a back door role in all this controversy, must have had a decided change of heart regarding marine mammals.

The city’s solution to keeping all marine mammals off Lovers Point Beach just a few years ago was to bang pots and pans to frighten them away. Now it seems we need to keep the public off the beaches if so much as one mother and pup venture into those areas.

Even Lovers Point Beach was recently closed after one mama seal appeared on the beach with her pup. It was mighty cute, yes, but the public was denied access to the beach and beach-related businesses were adversely affected.

Humans Or Seals, Who Is Allowed To Block Access To The Beach?

Tide Pool Police Hire Losin’ Susan, Lose Case

Well that was a predictable result.

Goldbeck $1 grand

The court rejected the Willoughbys’ claim that the use permit was not in compliance with the city’s general plan and zoning code, and rejected their challenge to the city’s environmental studies related to the use permit amendment.

The plaintiffs were represented by attorney Susan Goldbeck.

Tide Pool Police Hire Losin’ Susan, Lose Case

Exodus Continues – Vicki Stilwell Quits Council

City Hall Help Wanted

The council also decided Wednesday that Kampe should be appointed mayor pro-tem after Stilwell announced she is resigning effective Friday.

Stilwell said her reasons are strictly personal. She said the economic recession has hit her family hard and they must move out of the area.

To fill the seats of Garcia and Stilwell, the council said it would accept applications until noon Sept. 28. A special council meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 30 to hear from applicants, and appointments will be made.

Typically we go down the list of candidates – this would put Dan Miller & Ken Cueno in the seats..

Nov 2008 election numbers:

William R. Kampe 3,205 20.69%
Carmelita Garcia 2,160 13.95%
Deborah C. Lindsay 1,942 12.54%
Daniel Miller 1,772 11.44%
Ken Eduardo Cuneo 1,767 11.41%
Susan Goldbeck 1,611 10.40%
David Dilworth 1,544 9.97%
Richard A. Ahart, Jr. 1,486 9.60%

Exodus Continues – Vicki Stilwell Quits Council

Peas In A Pod – Agha & Potter

They all sound corrupt to me. Why would Nader support Potter when he is in cahoots with Goldbeck to get his gargantuan Holman Hotel approved?

Monterey real estate developer Nader Agha says he gave a $10,000 check more than five years ago to county Supervisor Dave Potter’s election campaign that was never reported by the campaign as required by state law.

Potter said Tuesday, “I have no idea what Nader is talking about. If he had given me $10,000, I would have reported it.”

Agha said Potter called him in January 2004 saying he needed financial help because his campaign was short of money. Potter was facing a formidable primary challenge that year in his bid for a third term from two challengers — Salinas Valley agribusinessman Stephen Collins and then-Pacific Grove City Councilwoman Susan Goldbeck.

Peas In A Pod – Agha & Potter

Election Coverage Up To The Minute

No official word yet on Mayor’s race, but can be assumed to be Dan Cort.

Losin’ Susan maintains her record of well, losing. Same with David “no credibility” Dilworth.

William R. Kampe 3,205 20.69%
Carmelita Garcia 2,160 13.95%
Deborah C. Lindsay 1,942 12.54%
Daniel Miller 1,772 11.44%
Ken Eduardo Cuneo 1,767 11.41%
Susan Goldbeck 1,611 10.40%
David Dilworth 1,544 9.97%
Richard A. Ahart, Jr. 1,486 9.60%

Vote Count Percent
YES 5,778 75.83%
NO 1,842 24.17%

Vote Count Percent
YES 3,227 56.32%
NO 2,503 43.68%

Election Coverage Up To The Minute

Cost Of Running For Local Office

According to his campaign finance disclosure form filed Oct. 18, Hollister, a retired veterinarian, has received $3,432 in contributions from 19 supporters and made himself a $500 campaign loan. He has spent $1,861.

Cort, the only mayoral candidate listed on the municipal ballot, reported no expenditures and has financed his campaign through a $14,500 self-loan.

· Richard Ahart, $1,355 in cash donated by seven contributors ranging from $20 to $100 each, and a $5,200 self-loan, with expenditures of $5,204.

· Deborah Lindsey, $3,137 in cash, $1,084 in nonmonetary contributions, and expenditures of $5,963.

· Susan Goldbeck, $3,300, including a loan to herself of $925, and expenditures of $2,537.

· Carmelita Garcia, $4,893, including a $200 loan to herself, and $82 in nonmonetary contributions, and expenditures of $5,237.

· Bill Kampe reported $6,578 in contributions, including a $2,000 loan to himself, and expenditures of $3,940.

· Daniel Miller reported a self-loan of $5,753 and contributions of $730 for a total of $6,582, and expenditures of $2,738.

· Ken Cuneo and David Dilworth reported no contributions. Cuneo stated his campaign is entirely self-funded.

No one contributed to Dilworth. ha ha.

Cost Of Running For Local Office

Hear-Old Backs Kampe, Garcia & Cuneo

Vote Machine

This should not be a surprise to anyone who has followed Pacific Grove politics even slightly: All three of the P.G. City Council members with terms ending in November opted not to run for re-election.

It’s also good that a large crop of candidates is competing for the chance to replace the departing trio. All eight are capable, to varying degrees, but three rise to the top: Ken Cuneo, Carmelita Garcia and Bill Kampe.

Calls Susan Goldbeck irrevocably tied to P.G. politics of the past, Dan Miller an activist, Richard Ahart a mystery, Deborah Lindsay narrow focused and says David Dilworth has no credibility.

Hear-Old Backs Kampe, Garcia & Cuneo

John Kenney Guilty

Monterey Herald 9/18

Barring a successful appeal, John Kenney will die in prison for murdering neighbors Mel and Elizabeth Grimes in a dispute over a boulder and a 10-foot by 4-foot patch of dirt.
After nearly three days of deliberations, a jury Wednesday found the 74-year-old petroleum physicist guilty of first-degree murder for the fatal shooting of Elizabeth Grimes, 55, and second-degree murder for the slaying of her 58-year-old husband, well-known local defense attorney Mel Grimes.

Loosin’ Susan didn’t remember this
Monterey Herald 9/03/08

Pacific Grove attorney Susan Goldbeck testified that she did not remember whether she asked Kenney if he owned a gun before indicating on a court document that he didn’t.

Killer Kenney didn’t remember
Salinas Californian 8/30/08

Prosecutor Berkley Brannon repeatedly questioned him Friday about the gun used in the killings, a gun which was illegal for Kenney to possess. He had signed a 2005 restraining order against the Grimeses that declared he did not own or have access to any firearms.
Kenney told the court he didn’t remember that element of the document. “It was filled out entirely by Susan Goldbeck,” he testified, referring to his lawyer. “I just signed it.”

Loosin’ Susan filled out the statement – is he lying or she’s lying for him?
Monterey Herald 9/2/08

Pacific Grove attorney Susan Goldbeck testified this morning that she did not remember whether she asked murder defendant John Kenney if he owned a gun before indicating on a court document that he didn’t.

She agreed that Kenney signed the sworn document, filed as he and his neighbors, filed for mutual restraining orders in the summer of 2005.

Loosin’ Susan & Killer Kenney remember all this though
Carmel Pine Cone 9/5/08

Pacific Grove City Council candidate Susan Goldbeck took the stand as well, recounting Kenney’s stories about harassing phone calls in the middle of the night and people rattling his doors, which he believed were the Grimeses’ doing. According to Goldbeck, Kenney felt “alone and vulnerable,” especially after an incident in 2005 with Elizabeth Grimes that left him with a concussion.

Killer Kenny
Susan Goldbeck’s “friend”

Oh – they are both friends….
KION 9/02/08

Susan Goldbeck, a friend of Kenney’s who also happens to be an attorney also testified that she had prepared two requests for two restraining orders against the Grimes’ on Kenney’s behalf

One attorney said not to get into a confrontaion
Monterey Herald 9/3/08

An attorney testified Tuesday that he warned murder defendant John Kenney in 2006 that he should avoid confrontation with neighbors Mel and Elizabeth Grimes and that “you can’t shoot somebody just because they’re on your property.”

Nick Cvietkovich said the conversation occurred while he and Kenney were on the way to a meeting with Sheriff Mike Kanalakis about Kenney’s plans to use a boulder to block the Grimeses’ access to a disputed patch of land on their shared driveway.

Loosin Susan gave the advice to trigger a confrontation?
Monterey Herald – 8/28/08

John Kenney took the stand in his own defense this morning after listening stoically to enhanced 911 recordings of him fatally shooting neighbors Mel and Elizabeth Grimes.

In an action that triggered the fatal encounter, Kenney said he placed a boulder on a disputed piece of land on the advice of three attorneys, including former Pacific Grove City Councilwoman Susan Goldbeck.

Kenney’s security expert was none other than the former Marina City Councilman John Morrison, “who resigned in April 2007 from the Marina council after admitting he tried to pull strings to get a private security contract.”
, don’t vote for Loosin’ Susan.

John Kenney Guilty

P.G. Wants Our Beautification Ideas

The city of Pacific Grove is seeking suggestions for ways to use $309,000 given to the city by the late Jeanette McIndoo for beautification and enhancement of the public facilities and grounds for the city.

Residents and organizations are asked to submit their suggestions in writing by Oct. 8 to the city’s Beautification and Natural Resources Committee, in care of the City Manager’s Office, 300 Forest Ave. Cost estimates should be submitted when possible.

One way plane ticket for Loosin’ Susan?

Pay a cleaning company to wash off the bird poop?

Hire a code enforcement person to keep the off-season xmas lights, blinking LED signs, sidewalk advertising and other tacky commerce tricks in check?

P.G. Wants Our Beautification Ideas