Special Election Coming For Project Bella

Project Bella Overhead View

While a few P.G. residents did express their concerns about the effects of the project and the special election — like Pacific Grove resident Luke Coletti, who thought the special election was a “cynical attempt to lower voter turnout,”

“I have a lot of faith in P.G. voters,” said Moe Ammar, president of the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce, at Wednesday’s meeting. “It’s to the benefit of Pacific Grove to get that dollar in the bank as soon as possible.”

The question of compensation was addressed first because, as Mayor Bill Kampe explained, “We want to know we’re getting reimbursed.”

For his part, Kampe has advocated moving forward in a timely manner because of the multiple hurdles involved in a development project of this size. He said he was pleased to see the city reach a point where the election has been called and a reimbursement agreement has been made. So did David Armanasco, a spokesman for the project.

Special Election Coming For Project Bella