Hide Your Wallet, P.G. Budget Approved

14.8 million and another tax vote in the works. When will they go away?

Some of these savings are expected to come from shared fire administration and police services with the city of Carmel; a 40 percent reduction in the consulting budget for Frutchey’s office and a 50 percent cut for a retirement plan analysis in the finance department; funding reductions for the stormwater program; and elimination of a half-time code enforcement officer.

Not included in the coming year’s budget, Frutchey said, are costs expected to be incurred by placing three or more measures on the ballot: a library parcel tax; an amendment to a 1997 ballot measure, Measure C, that loosens limits on new hotel room development in the city; and a measure amending city employee retirement funding.

Hide Your Wallet, P.G. Budget Approved

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