Constant fail, tax for more Library services. Need to pay for more non-reading events.
The City Council voted unanimously late Wednesday to place a parcel tax measure on the November ballot that would provide money for the city library.
The tax would need approval by two-thirds of voters to pass. A similar measure for a $95 parcel tax failed in November 2009 because only 65.91 percent of voters supported it.
Last measure lost by just 6 votes. Actually it was 11, but if they got 6 of those it would have won. I think a lot of people thought that 1% rise in sales tax was to pay for our library & now 80% of it is used for city employee salaries.
Why can’t we edit our posts? ‘won’ for one. lol
I’ll check on the edit function. I didn’t explore full logins when switching to WP.
Fixed that won