Also planning on occupying the soon to be out of business beauty supply store.
This is shaping up to be an uphill battle – howls are coming from a few that think a full service discount pet store will hurt businesses that have been here forever. In a town where dogs have more rights than the handicapped multiple pet stores can thrive. Of course those stores that have physically been here for a long time but do not resemble their former selves may need to polish up a bit.
I myself usually shop for Pup-r-oni and Science Diet at Pet Smart. Once there I might as well go to the Save Mart that is next door. And stop at OSH or Target. See where I’m going here? My tax revenues might stay in P.G. if I had no reason to go to Sand City in the first place.
Check the store’s site, they list prices and post weekly ads. Can’t say that about the local stores that are very unwired.