This Week In “What The Heck Is Moe Ammar Talking About?

Moammar says there are rooms available, but fails to mention that they come with 7 day minimums or outrageous prices.

Baghdad Moe

There are hotel rooms available on the Peninsula for the U.S. Open at Pebble Beach in June, but not everyone is getting the message, believes Moe Ammar, president of the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce.

Ammar said he’s hearing people say hotels are booked for the Open.

“It really is the wrong perception,” he said.

This Week In “What The Heck Is Moe Ammar Talking About?

One thought on “This Week In “What The Heck Is Moe Ammar Talking About?

  1. Just when I think the Moe-Moron has said the stupidest thing ever, he goes and outdoes himself.

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