Ex P.G. Mayor Flo Schaefer Dies

Dingbat Flo, I called her. An outsider that moved in, helped mess things up and moved out. Famous for saying things like “the movie theater will attract undesirable people from Seaside

Former Pacific Grove Mayor Florence Beckman Schaefer, 81, died Tuesday at her home in Issaquah, Wash., of cancer.

Born Sept. 7, 1926, in Brooklyn, N.Y., she was raised in Buffalo, N.Y., and lived in Whittier from 1960 until she and her husband Jack moved to Pacific Grove in 1986.

Mrs. Schaefer was appointed to the Pacific Grove Architectural Review Board in 1987 by then-Mayor Morris Fisher.

She ran successfully for a two-year City Council term in 1988, and then ran for mayor in 1990, defeating longtime resident and former fire chief Don Gasperson. She again ran for City Council in 1992 and served until she resigned in 1995, pleading health reasons.

Ex P.G. Mayor Flo Schaefer Dies