Proud To Be A Union Man?

Employees at Pebble Beach Lodge voted overwhelmingly Thursday to approve a five-year labor contract that includes a minimum $4-an-hour raise.

Leonard O’Neill of UNITEHERE! Local 483, the union representing the employees, said 98 percent of the members who voted approved the agreement.

Annual hourly pay increases are $1 in the first year, 50 cents in each of the second and third years, and $1 in each of the last two years.

“In my 30 years with this union, I have never seen a contract as good as this one at the Lodge,” said O’Neill

Comes to .80 per hour per year after six years. $32 a week. After taxes and union dues, maybe $20 a week. And that’s the best the union could get in 30 years. Does not sound like that union is doing much for the workers.
Union Facts

Proud To Be A Union Man?